
Saturday, March 20, 2021

County Will Miss Miss Andaugh, Its Special TB Nurse, March 20, 1921

The Health Department regrets that the special tuberculosis nurse, Miss Andaugh, has gone. She was a most capable nurse in this line of work. The work of the district, however, is being carried on by the other nurses and we hope soon to secure another special nurse for tubercular work. It is most encouraging to feel we have the splendid backing of our Governor in all lines of health work and we can realize fully just how he stands when we read the Governor Morrison says, “We must throw around the home and life of our people an enlightened world’s knowledge of preventive medicine, and make ceaseless war upon sickness, suffering, and death in this state. Disease cannot be successfully prevented by individual effort alone—I believe I express the deep desire of our enlightened people when I urge increased strength for this great department of our government.”

People should inform themselves along all health lines at is is one of our strongest lines of defense, for having health knowledge you are fore-warned, and thus you are fore-armed against the foes of health.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, March 20, 1921

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