
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Credit Bureau to Add Wholesalers, Manufacturers, Jobbers, Bankers to Roll, March 20, 1921

A campaign to recruit the strength of the Charlotte Association of Credit Men, recently revived, form its present strength of 52 to 100 as a minimum will be launched next Tuesday at 10 o’clock.

John L. Scott will head the team of canvassers. His assistants will be W.C. Alexander, E.E. Jones, W.B. Hall, R.M. Pound, C.H. Peebles, C.G. Smith, L.S. Sloop, E.S. Hoggard and H.J. Allison. The workers plan a whirlwind campaign that will end in about a week. Plans of the campaign were announced by the program chairman, Hugh Murrill Sr., at the credit men’s luncheon.

The local body of credit men was recently revived after a visit here by A.S. Mowbray and Robert E. Lee, officers from the headquarters of the national association in New York, who addressed the body on phases of the work and showed the advantages to local associations of having membership in the national body.

The local association plans to bring wholesalers, manufacturers, jobbers and bankers into the organization. The organization insures ledger experience of all firms of this class to its members in Charlotte and wide territory credit bureau, 914 Commercial Bank outside through the medium of its building, the bureau being the one already established and maintained by the Charlotte Credit Men’s Association.

Mr. Scott and his fellow workers will call upon heads of firms in Charlotte who are eligible for membership in the association and present to them the advantages of being a member. The organization will be able to furnish its members, it is said, credit information as to practically every business house and hundreds and scores of individuals, not only in Charlotte, but in a large scope of surrounding country.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, March 20, 1921

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