
Monday, March 15, 2021

Editor Glad to See Timber Company, Mills Resume Work, March 15, 1921

Dunn is glad to welcome that great crowd of engineers, sawyers, trackmen, woodsmen, lumberjacks, laboers and others who make up the army of Tilghman Lumber Company employees. The hoarse bellow the big whistle which summons the 400 employes to labor ever morning is sweet music to our ears. It seems to herald the coming of a new day after the long night of depression.

It is a rather happy lot that Cap’n Tilghman has returned to honest toll out there in the woods. Big-muscled negroes, keen-eyed woods bosses—all the fellows, little and big—are happy to be back at work after several months of idleness or at best casual employment.

The resumption of work out there means much to Dunn. This big mill, the Newberry plant, the several other lumber working plants about town and the Erwin Cotton Mills at Duke will help local merchants to tide over the dull season between now and next fall.

We are mighty glad to welcome these folk back to work.

From the editorial page of The Dunn Dispatch, March 15, 1921

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