
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Grocer C.M. Dunn Catches Burglar in the Act, March 23, 1921

Grocer Holds Up Burglar. . . When C.M. Dunn Hears Cash Register Open, He Levels Gun at Negro

Awakened Tuesday night by the ring of his cash register bell, C.M. Dunn, Chadwick-Hoskins grocer, saw a negro preparing to rob the cash drawer of its contents.

Creeping from his sleeping quarters in the rear of the store to a point near the register, Mr. Dunn flashed on an electric light and leveled a gun at the intruder. Detectives form the city police station went out.

Chris Fronybarger was bound over to higher court Wednesday morning by City Judge J. Laurence Jones for burglary. He was held in jail in default of a bond of $2,000.

The charge first entered against the negro was store-breaking and larceny. When evidence was brought out n court that Mr. Dunn slept in the store, the charge was changed to burglary, which is punishable by death or a penitentiary sentence.

Mr. Dunn claimed that he was asleep at the time and was awakened by the ring of the cash register bell. He has regularly occupied a space in the rear of the store as sleeping quarters, he testified.

The negro made his entrance into the store through a window. He did not turn on alight or use a flashlight, which was taken as an indication that he was familiar with the interior of the store. It was presumed that he did not know Mr. Dunn slept in the building.

Only a small amount of money was in the cash register at the time of the attempted theft, it was stated. The negro had been in the store but a minute or two, according to the testimony, going directly to the cash register and pressing a key for opening it.

From The Charlotte News, Wednesday afternoon, March 23, 1921

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