
Monday, March 22, 2021

Halifax Court Cases Include White Man Assaulting Young Negro Girl, March 22, 1921

Halifax Court News, Two Assault Cases. . . White Man Charged With Assault on Negro Girl

Halifax, N.C., March 22—In the criminal court now in session at Halifax, the case of Richard Aycock, a white man of Airlie, this county, was tried to-day on a charge of criminal assault on a 14-year-old negro girl named Bertha Sehorn. The jury, after a deliberation of 30 minutes, brought in a verdict of guilty of simple assault, but at the time of this report no sentence had been imposed.

Another case tried this morning was that of J.H. Harris of Ringwood on a charge of assault on George Aycock of Ringwood. Harris was found guilty, fined $25 and costs, and required to pay the plaintiff $25.

The Bobbitt case was expected to be reached some time this afternoon, though at 2 o’clock it had not been called.

Judge Cranmer is presiding.


Five Years on Road Given Store Breakers

The two negroes, Mike Jones, local character, and Tom Garner, apparently a bad character in other parts, who broke into Josey Hardware Company’s store about the first week in February, were given five years each on the roads by the Judge in Criminal Court in Halifax yesterday. As soon as Garner finishes serving his sentence here he will be turned over to Georgia authorities where he is under charges for car robbery in that State.

From the front page of The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., March 22, 1921. I went through two more issues of The Commonwealth trying to find the sentence of Richard Aycock, but it wasn’t there.

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