
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Henry Boggan, Benjamin Helms, Relas Biggers Have Died, March 18, 1921

Henry M. Boggan

Mr. Henry M. Boggan died last Tuesday afternoon at his home at Pee Dee, Anson County. He was a prominent and prosperous citizen and a good man. He married Miss Mittie Bivens, daughter of the late Mr. William Bivens of east Monroe township. His wife died several years ago. He leaves two sons, Messrs. J. Raymond Boggan and Clayton Boggan. Mr. Boggan was 58 years old. He was a member of the Methodist church.

Benjamin Helms

Mr. Benjamin Helms of Vance township died last Monday in a hospital in Charlotte. He had been sick about three weeks. Mr. Helms was 39 years old and was unmarried. He was a good man ad a member of the Methodist Protestant church. He leaves his father, Mr. Henry Helms, and four brothers, Messrs. J.H. Helms of Vance township, W.K. Helms of Sandy Ridge township, Rev. L.S. Helms of Triplett, Va., and F.P. Helms of Vance township. The funeral was held at Pleasant Grove last Tuesday, Rev. Messrs. Ridge and Ballard conducting services.

Relas B. Biggers

The Concord Times of last Monday has the following account of the death of Mr. R.B. Biggers, who moved from this county to Concord several years ago. Relas B. Biggers, well known and prominent man of this city, died suddenly yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock in the garden of his home on West Depot street. Mr. Biggers had been in his usual health yesterday, having attended church services in the morning, and his death came as a great shock to his family and many friends. For the past several years, however, Mr. Biggers had been suffering with heart trouble, having been confined to his home on several occasions with severe attacks of this malady, and his death was caused by this disease. The deceased was 53 years of age, and had made his home here for a number of years. He has been in the employ of Mr. A.B. Pounds for many years, and before that had been identified with several other business interests of the city. He is ruvived by his wife, four children, three brothers and three sisters. The children are Misses Lena and Colin Biggers, and Mr. Boyd Biggers, of this city, and Mr. Robert Biggers of Charlotte. His brothers are P.H. Biggers of Midland, Silas Biggers of Sanford, Fla., and W.A. Biggers of Wingate. The three sisters are Mrs. T.G. Furr of Oakboro, Mrs. W.H. Austin of Midland, and Mrs. R.F. Smith of Stanfield. Mr. Biggers was a member of the First Baptist Church of this city, and always took much interest in church work. He was also a member of the Junior Order No. 49. He was a good citizen.

From the Monroe Journal, Friday, March 18, 1921

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