
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Lloyd Cantrell Says He Got Excellent Care at Mountain Sanitorium and Nobody Tried to Convert Him, March 4, 1921

Dear Mr. Editor:

Will you kindly allow me to say a few words in honor of the Mountain Sanitorium. I was a patient there for 14 days and I can respectively say that I sure was cared for and I can truthfully say that the nurses at the Sanitorium are more like our good mothers than anything I can compare them to in the human line of work.

Now I have been hearing a great lot of gossip about the way these people serve the Lord. Well no one that has not been there can tell any thing about this and if I may say so, that if and all who think these people wrong are as good and true to the Almighty God as it seems that Dr. Stokes and his staff ar, this old world would make a great change form what it is to a higher state.

Friends I have been hearing that these people say that there is no Hell and that they also gave me literature on this subject. Now good people of Transylvania, I am in no ways ignorant of this, for I have not received any literature and I wish to say that some body knows more about me and my business than I do myself.

In conclusion I wish to say that I had much rather a surgeon would ask God to help him in operating on me than to sue God’s name in vain, and all kinds of foul language, for I or any one, who is being operated on. Life is in his hands and if God sees fit He takes the soul from out this foul surgeon’s hands to take care of it Himself, I or any one what cares for himself had rather die whole and out from under this kind of a man’s hands than to take such a risk as it is to be operated on.

Friends and people of the County look at the lives this man has saved and we can most readily see that God is helping him in his work.

May we all bear in mind that I have not been influenced or received any literature while there.

Wishing Dr. Stokes and the News much success, I am sincerely yours, Lloyd Cantrell.

From The Brevard News, March 4, 1921

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