
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

News Items From West Hickory, March 16, 1921

Ivey News Notes

West Hickory, March 16—Mrs. M.J. Lackey, who has been sick for several weeks, is now able to walk around again.

Mr. Calvin Smith, one of West Hickory’s oldest citizens, is quite feeble at present.

Mr. W.C. Kincaid bought what is known as the Walter Fox property on the north side of the railroad in West Hickory the past week. The consideration was $1,600. Mr. Kincaid and family will move into their new home in a few days.

Mr. Ed Mitchell and family have moved into the new dwelling house that Mr. N.W. Phelps recently built on his lot near Mr. M.A. Carswell’s store.

Mrs. W.M. Hicks and daughter Elsie were week end visitors in Shelby.

The small pox epidemic seems to be a thing of the past in West Hickory and the Sunday Schools are all having a full attendance again.

Mr. Malcolm McKenzie, who has been ill with inflammatory rheumatism for several months, is now improving rapidly and will soon be ready for work.

Mrs. Henry Miller has been quite sick with pneumonia for several days.

The production at the Ivey Mill the past week was unusually good. There were 13,347 pounds of cloth baled. The production in yards was 44,675. This is largest production that has ever been got off in one week.

Mr. Russell Benfield left here Sunday for Buffalo, N.Y., to work for a while.

Mr. Guy Suttlemyre of Burke county was here Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Cole spent the week end in Charlotte with relatives and friends.


From The Hickory Daily Record, March 16, 1921

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