
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Presbyterians Building Young Folks Hut Behind Brevard Church, March 25, 1921

Church to Build Young Folks Hut. . . Presbyterians Plan House on Lawn for S.S. Classes and Social Gatherings

A Young People’s Hut, rustic in design, attractive on the exterior and comfortable and roomy within, is now being planned by the building committee of the Presbyterian church.

The need of better quarters for the Sunday School has been under discussion for a long time, and plans were almost matured to construct a set of rooms as an upstairs annex to the church. The hut idea, however, was no sooner conceived and advanced than it met with universal favor, and the plans being submitted to an architect and a price approximated, the construction is regarded as feasible and likely to be soon under way.

The hut will be built, according to present plans, at the rear of the church on the summit of the hill which commands a view of mountains stretching away to the eastern horizon and which overlooks a broad sweep of valley land including a large part of the town. On the valley side will be a porch. The hut itself will be of one large room, capable of being separated by curtains into four apartments for class room purposes. In one end there will be a large fireplace, wide enough to accommodate three-foot logs, before which the young people can gather on winter evenings for social enjoyment. A stove also will be provided for such cooking as appertains to church social functions. Other conveniences are planned to make the hut as attractive as possible for young people’s activities.

The construction is expected to begin at an early date, in order for the hut to be completed before the opening of the tourist season.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Friday, March 25, 1921

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