
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Docs Order Mayor John Wilson to Drop Out of Race for Re-election, April 3, 1921

Mayor Wilson Is Out of the Race. . . Candidate Follows Urgent Advice of Physicians

Mayor John M. Wilson Saturday night announced his retirement from the race for re-election, leaving the field to James O. Walker, J. Frank Flowers and Capt. W.E. Younts. Mayor Wilson got out of the race on the strength of urgent representations from two physicians, who told him he was not in physical condition to go through the contest.

Mayor Wilson declared he was leaving the field “solely because of physical inability to make the campaign,” indicating that he has been influenced by no other candidate, either directly or indirectly. Those acquainted with intimate facts are prepared to vouch for this declaration of the mayor.

While Mayor Wilson does not explain his physical ailments in is letter of announcement, it is known that he has been suffering for some time from effects of exposure at time the city was tied up by reason of the snow-storm early in January. Mayor Wilson, with other members of the city commission, spent all of one day out on the streets directing municipal workers in clearing the streets and sidewalks of snow and ice. He was taken ill soon after that, and his physicians have made it known that he is still suffering form the effects of the exposure.

It is the expectation of Mayor Wilson to serve out the term, which ends one month from today. He has been able to give his attention to the duties of the city regularly, but his physicians have made it known to him and to his friends that it would be unwise for him to attempt a campaign, even of short duration, in which the eagerness of the contest and the natural speculation as to outcome play such an important part.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, April 3, 1921

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