
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Five Area Farms For Sale, April 21, 1921

Good Farm for Sale

Two hundred acres in the heart of the Foscoe section, 1 ½ miles from Shulls Mills, and located on the E.T. & W.N.C. Railroad. This farm contains two good dwelling houses; one good store building, two good wood houses; one apple house, two smoker houses; two good barns; 35 acres of good, level meadow land, 100 acres of good grazing land; 10 acres in good timber and 45 acres cut-over land. A splendid apple orchard. This is one of the best farms on Wataua River. For further particulars see C.P. Moore or S.E. Gragg, Shulls Mills, N.C.


For the next 30 days I will offer my farm and home for sale, known as the Wade Wagner place at Valle Crucis. Convenient to 3 schools, church and store; electric lights and water work. Price $10,000. One third cash, balance on easy terms. W.C. Baird, Valle Crucis, N.C.

For Sale in Mountain City, Tenn

Five acres of land on which there is one seven-room dwelling; also one four room house; good orchard and all necessary outbuildings. Water on porch. For prices, terms, etc., call on or write W.P Caudell, Mountain City, Tennessee.

Bargain in a Splendid Farm

I am ready to sell my farm of about 125 acres at a BARGAIN PRICE. This farm is located in Watauga county on the waters of Meadow Creek, about two miles from Brownwood depot, and is in good conditin. A good 10-room residence, practically new, with running water in house, a good barn and other out buildings. Would sell on easy term. Property assessed for taxes at $7,600; would sell for $9,000 and give immediate possession. R.T. Greer, Marion, Va.

Tenn. Farm for Sale

Farm of 40 acres in Watauga Valley, Tenn.; all level and in high state of cultivation. Nice small house and all necessary outbuidings. Price $5,500. See or write C.S. Sherwood, Watauga Valley, Tenn.

From the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., April 21, 1921

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