
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Freeze Takes Sampson County Huckleberry and Grape Crops, Damage to Peaches, April 22, 1921

Sampson County Loses by the Cold Temperature

Clinton, April 18—Calamity has befallen old Sampson. There was the most promising crop of huckleberries seen in a quarter of a century and they were wonderfully advanced for the season. It is probable that the crop would have brought into the county nearly a quarter of a million dollars, but this hope of an influx of spring and summer money is blighted. The frost of Monday night has simply wiped out the whole prospect and dead berries could be gathered by the handful on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The peach crop seems not to have suffered so complete a loss, yet it is probable that a great part of those that appear to survive the ordeal will fall off before maturity.

Likewise the grapes have suffered irreparable disaster, the vines in many cases appearing as if scorched by fire.

From The Wilson Times, April 22, 1921

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