
Monday, April 26, 2021

G.A. Lingle Grabs Sgt. Sigmon's Gun, Fights With Officers, Now in Jail, April 26, 1921

Fights Officer, Landed in Prison

G.A. Lingle, who boasts his kinship with Burrell Lingle, noted Caldwell scrapper, ran counter to the law last night when he sought to prevent three Hickory officers from serving a warrant on him charging false pretense. He was finally overcome and carried to Newton early this morning for safe keeping in the county jail.

Sergeant Sigmon walked up to Lingle politely last night and offered to read the warrant. The man objected to the procedure and reached for his gun. Chief Lentz was handy and the two officers sought to disarm him. Sergeant Sigmon holding his left arm and the chief endeavoring to seize his right. This Lingle used to disadvantage, pounding the hief over the head with his fist and putting up a real fight for several minutes. Officer Webb also got into the fray.

The chief brought his club into play, but it required much effort to make the big fellow yield, and a doctor dressed his injuries before he was taken to Newton.

From the Hickory Daily Record, Tuesday, April 26, 1921

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