
Sunday, April 25, 2021

Local News From The Watauga Democrat, April 25, 1901

"Local News" from the Watauga Democrat, April 25, 1901

Rev. Jones filled his regular appointment in Boone on Sunday.

Mr. A.J. Moretz is offering for sale under mortgage a steam saw mill and fixtures.

The meeting of Camp No. 1273 United Confederate Veterans is postponed until May 11.

Miss Minnie Farthing of New River, who has been at Banner Elk for some time, returned to her home last week.

Mr. Rudacil Vannoy and Miss Ida M. Norris, daughter of Mr. Smith Norris, were married at the residents of the groom at Horton on Tuesday morning.

The stockholders annual meeting of the Caldwell and Watauga Turnpike Co. will be held at Blowing Rock on May 8.

It is feared by some that the fruit crop is seriously damaged by the protracted cold weather; but many others think that the crop is not hurt.

Reports from the county of Wilkes are to the effect that much of the land on the river, just planted in corn, was almost ruined by the high water last week.

Mr. John T. McNeil and wife of Condiff, Texas, arrived at the home of Mr. Holland Hodges, father of Mrs. McNeil, this week, and will, we are told, spend the summer in Watauga.

Mr. H.H. Farthing has applied for a library for Timbered Ridge District under the school law, he being the first in the county take advantage of its liberal provisions.

Rev. W.R. Bradshaw of Wilkesboro preaches the annual sermon at Watagua Academy at 11 a.m . Tomorrow. Mr. T.C. Bowie, who was expected to deliver the address, cannot be present owing to the extreme illness of his sister.

Our townsman Prof. W.M. Francum will teach at Silverstone this summer, beginning on Monday, May 13. There is no better teacher in the county than he and that community has acted wisely in procuring his services.

We are indeed sorry to hear of the unfortunate condition of friend J.S. Mast of Cove Creek. He is almost entirely helpless and we are told that his mind is almost dethroned. An attendant at his bed side is necessary at all times.

The snow measured 10 inches on a level on Howard's Knob Tuesday morning and we are told that snow drifts to the depth of several feed are in some parts of the county. This is easily the heaviest snow-fall of the winter.

We are told that during the freshet last week, the barn of Mr. Quincy McGuire on New River was lifted from its foundation and nicely carried off on the surging waters. Fortunately, he succeeded in getting his stock removed before the vessel sailed.

The Portland Oregon papers give an account of the trial and conviction of Jas. Greene, late of Watauga, for the murder of one Benjamin, while under the influence of whiskey. The jury was only out for a short time and returned a verdict of murder in the first degree. The attorneys for the defense have asked for an appeal.

A farmer in this county owns a brood of eight pigs, four of which have no lower jaw. It is suggested by an anti-stock law man that the little "rooters" had no use for either mouth or jaw as many of the swinish tribe in Watauga are doomed to starve under the law he considers so oppressive, and possibly they are not very unfortunate at last.

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