
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Meredith College Juniors Give Annual Banquet for Seniors, April 22, 1921

Meredith Juniors Give Annual Banquet to Seniors. . . Occasion One of Most Enjoyable Nature; Beautiful Decorations and Delicious Menu Served

The annual banquet which was given by the Meredith College Juniors to the Seniors on Monday evening, April 18, was by far the most brilliant event of its kind which has ever been held at the college.

The guests were received in the parlors by Misses Carolyn Mercer, Ann Eliza Brewer, Ruth Couch, and Lila Earl Dowell.

The dining room itself was beautifully decorated with sweet peas, roses and shaded lights, together with the young men and women in evening attire was a gala scene. On the center table stood a Good Fairy, Senior class mascot, in a bower of sweet peas, the Senior flower. In the middle of the room towered an enormous kewpie in cap and gown. Music was furnished throughout the evening by an orchestra.

The menu was as follows: Grape Fruit Cocktail, Roast Turkey with Cranberry Jelly, Mashed Potatoes and Green Peas, Combination Salad, Saltines, Cake, Ice Cream, Coffee and Cheese Crackers.

After the delicious repast Miss Carolyn Mercer, president of the Junior class and toastmistress, charmingly welcomed the guests, calling upon Miss Mary Tillery for a toast from ‘22 to ‘21. Miss Lucille Kelly, president of the Senior class, graciously responded. Miss Ruth Couch next toasted the president, Dr. C.E. Brewer, who responded in his usual genial manner. Miss Evelyn Campbell responded charmingly to the toast given by Miss Beth Carroll to the Dean of Women. Miss Bertha Moore next offered a toast to our sponsors—Misses Law, Eiberg and Teague. Following the last toast given by Miss Alethia Felton to the Boys, all arose and sang the Alma Mater.

Covers were laid for 150.

From The Twig, Meredith College, Raleigh, N.C., Friday, April 22, 1921

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