
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Why You Should Elect Me, Ralph S. Jackson, April 29, 1921

To the Voters of Tryon Graded School District

Attention to the public is called to the regular election on May 3rd, this election will give opportunity to safeguard our interest by electing those who will serve best on the board of trustees for Tryon graded school.

The time has come for the people of the town of Tryon to open their eyes and help our children secure the educatin that is justly due them. On these young sons and daughters will devolve the heritage of cares and responsibilities of community, States and Nation. Your trustees are the guardians elected to see this duty well done. We see families leave our town each year for other schools, saying as they go that our school is not what it should be, others are saying that they will go unless the school is improved. What can we do to mprove our school and make it a credit to our town?

Employ teachers who will cooperate with each other and patrons of the school. Bring together the patrons, teachers and trustees in common accord by house to house talks, public gatherinngs or other methods with a view or establishing close cooperation for school improvement.

To stand with an open eye and avoid the croping out of personal feeligns that may gain open expression and work havoc with the work of an educational nature among children.

These are only a few principles I believe in, if you approve of these and othres like them, vote for me.

--Ralph S. Jackson, Advertisement

From the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., April 29, 1921

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