
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Will of Ross Spinsters Upheld, 1,400 Acres to Former Negro Servants, April 17, 1921

Ross Will Case Won by the Propounders

Monroe, April 16—The propounders of the will won the verdict in the celebrated Ross will case, which ended here this afternoon, the 15th day of the trial. The jury, which was out only 45 minutes, brought in a verdict that the late Maggie and Mary Ross, spinsters, were of sufficiently sound mind to dispose of their estate when they made a will leaving about 1,400 acres of land to former negro servants.

The trial was before Judge J. Bis Ray of the superior court.

The estate that furnished the basis for the suit is estimated as being worth about $100,000. The makers of the will left their entire estate, with the exception of about $10,000 given to charity, to the negroes mentioned in the will. These were a negro man and his wife and child, who had long lived on the Ross place.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Sunday, April 17, 1921. $100,000 would be worth almost $1.5 million today.

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