
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Brief Items From Along Mill Springs, Route 1, May 13, 1921

Mill Springs, Route 1

Rev. W.W. Womack was unable to preach to Lebanon last Sunday because was sick. We hope he will soon be well again.

Miss Mary Willie Whiteside and sister, Sallie, of Uree, spent Monday night with Bertha and Maggie Lee Edwards, also Tuesday night with Maggie and Gilreath Edwards.

Martin Gilbert was a dinner guest at A.A. Edwards last Sunday.

Ralph Edwards and wife visited the latter’s parents, N.E. Williams and wife on Route 2 last Sunday.

Miss Lela Womack spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Maggie Sue Edwards.

Jim Egerton passed through this section Sunday afternoon.

Miss Minnie Owensby has been real sick for the past week, but is better.

Roscoe Whiteside was on Uree last Sunday.

Harley Shultz, Talmage Allen and others were callers at A.A. Edwards last Sunday.

A.A. Edwards and little son, Sellers, spent Wednesday with the former’s father, J. Edwards near Mill Spring.

School closed at Lebanon last Thursday. The teacher and pupils went on a scenery trip to Bear Den Mountain on a picnic. They gathered many wild flowers and had a nice trip, came back to the school house and sang the last song together which was “God be with you till we meet again.” Many tears were shed because they had to part with their teacher and there was no more school.

From the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., May 13, 1921

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