
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Brief Items from Columbus, N.C., May 13, 1921


Everything is quiet here now and we miss the teachers much.

Mr. Denton of Mars Hill preached at the Baptist church Sunday, day and night. Rev. A.S. Caldwell preaches every 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at the Presbyterian church.

Dr. Grady was called to the bedside of Mrs. A.L. McMurray Sunday, who was suffering from flu, also Mrs. Tom Lynch and Mrs. Ralph Prince. We are glad to say they are better at this writing.

A number of Columbus people attended church at Penial Sunday.

Mother’s Day will be observed May 15th at Columbus.

At the town election May 3, J.R. Sams was elected Mayor, Lindsey Smith, J.R. Phillips and F.W. Blanton, Aldermen.

J.R. Sams attended the closing exercises at Mars Hill.

J.T. Gilbert attended the Asheville court as juror last week.

C.L. Wingo’s son has returned from the University of South Carolina.

From the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., May 13, 1921

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