
Sunday, May 30, 2021

Can No Longer Raise Hogs at Charlotte City Homes, Will Save Babies' Lives, May 30, 1921

City Calls for Hog Removals. . . More Than 1,000 Animals Have Been Disposed of for Health’s Sake

In continuing the campaign to rid the city of hogs, city sanitary inspectors ordered more than 200 removed last week, according to Dr. W.A. McPhaul, city health officer. More than 1,000 animals have bene taken from the city since the health department first ordered hogs removed in enforcing the “anti-hog law.”

The amendment to the law prohibiting the keeping of swine in Wards 5 and 11, passed by the commissioners a few days ago, will go into effect June 15. Dr. McPhaul said that people in these two wards are preparing now for the disposal of their hogs before the law goes into effect. Among 300 hogs are being kept in these two wards, it is believed.

The removal of twelve or fourteen hundred hogs from within the city limits will lower the death rate in Charlotte by at least 25 babies, Dr. McPhaul believes. He has sued the argument of saving babies all the while as an inducement for doing away with hogs, and he has made the guarantee that with no hogs being kept in the city at least 25 babies under one year of age will die during this year than last.

Most people are found willing to cooperate with the health department in enforcing the ordinance, said Dr. McPhaul. A few have shown a disposition to fight the law and it may be necessary to summons some to court. However, several of those who a few weeks ago refused to obey the ordinance now have expressed a willingness to remove the hogs from about their homes.

From The Charlotte News, May 30, 1921

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