
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Centerville News in Franklin Times, May 27, 1921

Centerville Items

Guess you think old Centerville is dead as you haven’t heard from it in so long but it is still living and lively as ever.

Misses Eva and Emma Duke of Angola visited their sister last week, Mrs. Robert Radford. Miss Bertha Neal returned home from her school a few days ago.

Miss Ruth Parrish is still teacher school at Centerville and has a good attendance she is doing fine with her work. She is one of the Franklin County’s best teachers.

Misses Nellie Radford, Emma and Eva Duke and Clayton Burnette took a flying trip to Louisburg and Bunn on last Thursday. All report a good time.

Mrs. Jodie Gupton entertained all the young people in the community at her home on last Thursday night. The music given by Mrs. Carl Cathy was enjoyed very much by all.

Messrs. Lynn Leach, Ben Currin, Jack Duke, Bunton Brewer and Harry Tuck left for Weldon on last Thursday to build a new road in that section. We are sure that they will be greatly missed in this county, especially by the girls. We are quite sure some of them will be real lonesome.

Mr. Clyde Sterrin says he will complete one of the bridges that is being built on the state highway road in this month. Guess everybody will be glad when it is completed. I am quite sure there will be some traveling done from Centerville to White Level then, as some of the people around Centerville are crazy about White Level and Center Rock.

There were two girls at Centerville that passed the County examination and that was Misses Katie Belle Griffin and Clayton Burnette. They are real glad that they finished public school and are now ready for high school.

Mr. Jack Brewer and Miss Clayton Burnette visited Miss Ida Parrish of Alert on last Sunday afternoon.

Miss Katie Belle Griffin is visiting her sister, Mrs. Melvin Fuller, of near Henderson.

Our Sunday school is progressing nicely and we have real good attendance but would like to have better and would be real glad to have new members. Come and join every Sunday. We have a very good Superintendent in Mr. Arthur Shearin and we also have some very fine teachers. They are doing splendid work.

Sunday night was the regular night for our Missionary meeting but on account of the rain we didn’t have it.

Our new state highway road will soon be completed and it has helped the looks of our little town very much. It is the prettiest road in the County. Everybody just come and take a joy ride over it.

--Blue Eyes

From the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., May 27, 1921

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