
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Churches to Harness Power of Movies, May 1, 1921

Churches and the Movies

Many of the churches of the country are taking the movies, utilizing them for the dissemination of Biblical information, and the idea is not bad. When we recollect that nine-tenths of the impressions that we receive come in through the eye-gate, we are given some basis for understanding not merely the popularity of the motion picture, but its great usefulness and power.

Pictures make an indelible record upon the mind. A great national character once said that he did not care what the newspapers printed about hm if they would not allow caricatures of him to appear. He sensed the acuteness and vastness of visualization. He understood quite well that the printed word leaves the recollection quickly, but that the picture which grips the eye produces a perpetual impression.

The Church has a perfect right, and perhaps, a duty as well, to utilize this great agency for its Christian purposes, for Scriptural enlightenment, for impressing the young with the great characters of Bible times and for fastening in their minds the fundamental facts of the Christian religion. Christ utilized pictures and parables in the unfolding of the story of the gospel and the purpose of His mission and the truths which were thus imparted are exactly those truths that once implanted in the minds of the young, are never erased.

From the editorial page of the Charlotte News, May 1, 1921

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