
Friday, May 28, 2021

Dr. Fred Austin to Open New Sanatorium in Old Brenizer Hospital, May 28, 1921

New Sanatorium Will Be Opened. . . Dr. Fred Austin Buys Old Brenizer Hospital Premises

A urological sanatorium, the only institution of its type in the South so far as is known here, will be opened in the near future by Dr. Fred Austin and associates of this city on East Ninth street in the former Brenizer sanatorium building, it was learned Saturday morning.

Dr. Austin, who has maintained a urological clinic in the Realty building for the past 10 years, has acquired the building formerly used as the Brenizer sanatorium and which was originally the A.G. Brenizer residence and later the John S. Blake residence. It is in the third block of East Ninth street.

A deed recording the transfer of the property is on file at the court house. The price named in the deed is the frequently used “$100 and other considerations,” but the stamps on the paper show the value to be somewhat above $20,000. The deal was negotiated by Frank F. Jones, real estate agent of the city.

For some years after the Brenizer family disposed of the property it was used by the John S. Blake as a residence. Later Dr. Addison Brenizer and associates transformed the building into a 23-room hospital. When the United States entered the war against Germany Dr. Brenizer gave up the hospital and organized the Brenizer hospital unit, using his hospital staff and corps of nurses as the nucleus, and went to France. Mr. Blake and his family again took the place as a residence after it was closed as a hospital. The lot has a frontage of 138 feet on Ninth street and a depth of 198.

Dr. Austin said Saturday he and his associates contemplated extensive improvements to the building, including an addition at the rear, and hoped to open the place some time in the near future. About $6,000 was spent by Dr. Brenizer in transforming the building from a residence into a sanatorium, so that it is ready to receive equipment and hospital facilities at present. With the further improvements contemplated it will be an institution of considerable proportions as well as one of distinctive nature.

Several other men will be added to the staff that Dr. Austin now maintains in his clinic in the Realty Building. Among these will be Dr. D.R. Austin, brother of Dr. Fred Austin, who has just finished a year’s study at the Polyclinic Hospital in New York and who will join his brother here shortly.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Saturday evening, May 28, 1921

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