
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Elkin Furniture Company Fire Put 100 Out of Work, May 26, 1921

The Elkin Furniture Co. Destroyed by Fire. . . Loss Is Placed at $100,000 With $21,000 Insurance—Over 100 People thrown Out of Work

Elkin, May 19—A disastrous fire occurred here last night, which totally demolished the plant of the Elkin Furniture Company, one of the most important manufacturing enterprises of the town. A small blaze under the engine-room was discovered by the night watchman about 10:30 o’clock, but owing to the fact that the water main had not been extended that far, the firemen were powerless to fight the flames. In addition to the building and equipment, a quantity of furniture were ready for shipment and a great amount of lumber on the yards were consumed by the flames. Nothing was saved except the books and important papers of the office and some mirrors, these being recovered at a terrible risk of life. The plant was located in east Elkin, about three fourths of a mile from the center of the town. The plant was running on full time, employing about 100 men, to many of whom the loss of a job just now is a serious matter. The loss to the company is estimated at $100,000 with $21,000 insurance. The officers of the company are W.S. Gough, president; A.G. Click, vice-president; R.L. Hubbard, secretary and treasurer and general manager. Other stockholders are H.F. Gray, M.A. Biggs, E.G. Click, Cooper and others.

The company manufactured bed-room suites and old pieces of furniture, making regular shipments to more than half the states of the union.

From the front page of The Mount Airy News, Thursday, May 26, 1921. The photos were shared on the internet at The Tag On This Vanity Says "Elkin Furniture Company", Elkin, NC And Was So... | My Antique Furniture Collection. The dressing table would have originally been sold with a mirror.

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