
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Ignorant, Degrading Dregs of Poland, Europe Are Ruining U.S., Says Dr. Lewis A. Convis, May 9, `1921

Convis Favors Closed Doors. . . Chautauqua Lecturer Declares Immigrants Should be Barred from U.S.

America’s salvation lies in closing her doors against immigration for at least five years, declared Dr. Lewis A. Convis, Redpath Chautauqua speaker, before he left Charlotte Monday morning.

“Kenneth Roberts is right in the views he expressed in The Saturday Evening Post about restricting immigration,” said Dr. Convis, who has spent much time in European countries. “I have only recently returned from Russia, Siberia and Poland, and I know that only the lowest, most ignorant and unhealthy natives of those countries are coming to America. The scum of the earth is flowing into this country and undermining its ideals and standards. Money is being furnished somewhere in America, I believe, by anti-American spirit to bring these people over here. We are cutting our own throats by permitting this thing to go on. We are polluting our country with European filth, and, unless a complete lid is clamped down on immigration for five years, American is certainly doomed.”

Dr. Convis is strong in his opinion that Poland is the most interesting country he has ever visited. He knows Poland like a book. Poles, he said, are the most polite people on earth. America does not know the Pole, he declared, because it sees only the lowest element of its population.


“There is a sentiment in America against the Poles,” said Dr. Convis, “because there is propaganda going on in this country all the time against the Poles. Why? Because Poland is the bulwark against bolshevism. Behind this propaganda in America are some newspapers, and I know what I am talking about when I say that they are making representations. Just after last July 4 these papers in America printed an article saying that the Poles in Warsaw had spit upon the American flag. It was untrue. I was in Warsaw myself at that time and saw with my own eyes 10,000 children marching in tribute to America. No such thing as these papers printed ever happened there. It is propaganda. Dependency can not be put in these newspapers as far as international politics is concerned.”

Dr. Convis was a member of the famous Polish legion which was virtually annihilated by the bolsheviks in the winter of 1919 and 1920. Out of a force of 16,000, only a few hundred escaped. This was because the army had no assistance, he said, and no army could fight under such circumstances. Particularly horrible about the legion was the fact that brothers and relatives and friends were on opposing sides shooting each other down. Dr. Convis declared he has seen two Polish regiments meet on the battle field, recognize each other and throw down their arms. Immediately machine gun fire from the Austrians and Germans at their side would mow them down, killing every man standing for their refusal to fight.


Dr. Covis declared it was quite possible that the bolshevik would attack again this summer, but sincerely hoped that they would not. Poland, he said, will be on her feet in a few years if any kind of assistance were given her.


“I hate to think of the deadly typhus disease raging around Poland this moment,” continued Dr. Convis. “Last winter it was worse than it ever had been. In large areas not a child was left living. The disease is peculiar in that it is more fatal to an intellectual person than it is to the ignorant peasant. A person of high breeding has little chance of recovery, because the disease, in a strange way, takes away the desire to live. An ignorant person never had been used to much in life anyway, and is about as low intellectually has he can get. Therefore, the disease does not bring him much below his normal self. The only chance for recovery when the disease attacks is to create a desire to live in the person who contracts it. This is done by giving the patient a woman to nurse him who mothers him and endeavors to instill in his heart some inspiration to exist. There was a young American doctor in Poland last year who was a particular friend of mine. He contracted the disease and was given up to die, a young Russian girl came to his side and inspired him to live. He recovered, fell in love with the girl and I married them myself. They are now living in Atlanta, Ga. I saw them a few days ago.”


Doctor Convis himself was taken with the symptoms of the disease while in Poland and gave himself up as lost. He made his will, arranged his business matters and prepared to die, instructing his orderly not to come near him. The symptoms passed, however, without an attack of the disease.

“I would like to say again before I leave,” concluded Dr. Convis, “that the present stream of immigration is ruining America. I have seen the ignorant, degrading dregs of Poland and other European countries that are drifting to our beautiful land to eat out its life. We’ve got to wake up and stop it.”

Dr. Convis left the city Monday for Rock Hill, S.C., where he will speak Monday night at the Redpath Chautauqua.

From The Charlotte News, Monday, May 9, 1921

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