
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Kilpatrick and Jenkins Homes Being Built in Brevard, May 6, 1921

New Houses Started

Work on what is to be a seven room brick building for R.P. Kilpatrick has begun on a lot between the residence of Mrs. Laura Miller and Miss Delia Gash on Probarty Street. Excavations are being made for a basement, and the beginning of the brick walls laid. In this construction Mr. Kilpatrick is his own contractor. Fred Kilpatrick is in charge of the brick laying.

The new house is intended for occupancy by Mr. Kilpatrick’s family during the summer or next fall. At present they are living in a house on Railroad Street purchased from Warrior Corn.

Frank Jenkins is getting ready to build a residence on Maple Street on the corner lot adjoining the property of Dr. W.M. Lyday. A 10-room house is planned, and Mr. Jenkins expects to occupy the place as a home.

From the Brevard News, May 6, 1921

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