
Sunday, May 30, 2021

Memorial Day Parade in Charlotte, Monday, May 30, 1921

Memorial Day Program Calls for Parade and Speaking Monday Afternoon

The stage is set and everything is ready for the first city-wide observance Monday of Memorial Day ever held in Charlotte. The plans have been made largely by a committee of the Hornets’ Nest Post of the American Legion, composed of Dr. Baxter S. Moore, chairman; Victor Shaw, vice president; Dr. Hamilton W. McKay, Rufus M. Johnston, Louis D. Southerland and Norman W. Lynch, with A.J. Beall, post commander, as ex-officio member.

In honor of the day mercantile establishments in the up-town district will be closed from 1 o’clock onward and many industrial plants also will be closed. The post office will be closed for the day.

Several special events will be staged in connection with the observance of the day here. A special matinee will be given by the Jack X. Lewis players, Lakewood Park will be opened for all comers, Greenville and Charlotte league teams will play ball at Wearn Field and several other events of interest will take place.

The parade will be the biggest event. The line-up as given out Saturday night by Commander A.J. Bealle of the American Legion post follows:

Colors—with color guard

Officers of the Hornets’ Nest post

Shrine band

Members of Hornets’ Nest Post (includes all ex-service men in uniform)

Charlotte Aero Club

Fifth Company, C.A.C.

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Spanish-American War Veterans

Hornets’ Nest Riflemen

Boy Scouts headed by Scout Band

School children


Speaker Rev. Dr. Plato Durham with Mayor Walker

Confederate Veterans

Disabled Men

Woman’s Auxiliary

American War Mothers

Army Nurses—Red Cross canteen

D.A.R.’s and U.D.C.’s

Representatives of Rotary and Kiwanis clubs

The parade will form before 2 o’clock at South Tryon and Second streets and will move northward past Independence Square to Seventh Street and out Seventh Street to the cemetery.

At the cemetery the order of exercises will be:

Invocation by Rev. W.A. Jenkins, chaplain of Hornets’ Nest Post

Music by the Shrine Band

Address of the day by Dr. Plato Durham of Atlanta

Placing of flowers on graves of soldiers in the soldier’s area



Members of the Confederate Veterans Camp, U.C.V., have been called by Adjutant H.D. Duckworth of the camp, on order of Commandant J.W. Lewis to report at 1 o’clock at the city hall to be ready to march to the cemetery with the other units in the line of march.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning issue, May 29, 1921

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