
Friday, May 21, 2021

Myers Park Organizing Country Club, May 21, 1921

Myers Park Is Organizing Club. . . Golf Course Will be Ready in 60 Days—Building Also to be Used

A new country club, to be known as the Myers Park Country Club, with a nine-hole golf course, with sand greens, a swimming pool 50 by 100 feet, a children’s playground, a tennis court and a club house, with grounds lending themselves to quick beautification by the landscape gardener’s art will be opened in Myers Park within the next few weeks. It will be not longer than 60 days after the incorporation papers are received and the organization of a governing body is effected, it was said.

Announcement to this effect was made Saturday morning by members of the organization committee. The club house and links will be on a 70-acre tract of land adjacent to the former Horner Military School grounds and the club house itself will be fashioned out of the central building in the group of buildings formerly utilized by the military school. This building is 40 by 140 feet in dimension and will constitute a commodious and airy club house. All its interior and exterior appointments are modern.


The club grounds lie between the former school site and Briarwood road and Selwyn avenue and are of the type of soil and contour lending readily to conversion into ideal golf links. W.E. Thomas, one of the membership committee and one of the organizers of the new club, estimates that the links are 70 per cent complete at present and that, within 60 days after the organization of a governing body is effected, the links, the swimming pool, the tennis courts and the playground will be nearing completion.

The chairmanship committee is composed of Paul F. Haddock, chairman; W.E. Thomas, J.P. Quarles, Frank Green, James. P. Harris and W.C. Rankin.

The method of organization, and maintenance is unique. There will be charter membership limit of 300 members. One dollar a week will be the only dues, a membership entitling the holder’s entire family to the privileges of the club.


The swimming pool will be a big feature of the grounds. It will be the largest swimming pool in or about the city. It will be so constructed as to have much of its shallow area in order that small children may play and wade about in it without danger. Concrete will be the type of construction used.

Plans for the organization of the body, which was contemplated about three years ago, were given up because of the war and are now being revived on a larger scale than was originally the case.

A waiting station will be erected on the Myers Park car stops nearest to the club house as an accommodation to patrons of the club.

From the front page of The Charlotte News and Evening Chronicle, Saturday evening, May 21, 1921. Myers Park Country Club is still in business. The photo at the top of the page is from the country club's web page,

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