
Friday, May 21, 2021

Personal Notes From The Brevard News, May 20, 1921


Lee Baynard of Blantyre was a visitor to Brevard this week.

Miss Marjorie Gardiner left Tuesday to visit relatives in Hickory.

Miss Frances Allen of Lynchburg, Va., is the guest of Miss Eliza Wallis.

J.L. Bell went on a fishing excursion to Cedar Mountain this week.

Mrs. E.W. Blythe, who has been quite ill this week, is improving.

Miss Beatrice Rice has returned to Ashville after visiting her sister, Mrs. J.E. Loftis.

Miss Sadie North has returned from Lake City, S.C., where she has been spending the winter months.

Ted Clement, who is taking a course in kodakery in Asheville, spent the week end at home.

Robert Plummer accompanied his father, H.A. Plummer, on his commercial rounds last week.

Mrs. W.M. Henry and daughter, Miss Eliza, are visiting relatives in Easley, S.C.

Rev. S.B. McCall, pastor of Carr’s Hill Church, made a visit to Hendersonville Wednesday.

Wayne Boyles of Winston-Salem was a recent guest in the family of Mrs. J.C. King.

C. Hendricks of Greenville visited the family of Mrs. J.C. King this week.

Richmond Boyden, who arrived recently from Miami, Fla., is staying with Harry Clarke.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Deaver spent most of the week in Asheville, Mr. Deaver having professional business there in Federal Court.

J.E. Loftis, who was for several years in Col. Hodge’s office, has resumed his old job at the Southern station.

Mrs. Georgia Galloway and daughter, Miss Mary, left recently for a visit of several weeks to Anderson, S.C.

Mrs. J.W. Smith has returned to her work at the U.D.C. Library, after an absence of several days on account of sickness.

S.P. Verner, who has been teaching in Spartanburg County, S.C., is expected home this week for the summer.

Joe Lyday, who is in business in Danville, Va., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Lyday, near Pisgah Forest.

Miss Nathalie Dotterer of Charleston arrived recently and is getting “Camp Chance” in West Brevard ready for summer occupation.

Ralph Edmonson of Hendersonville has taken direction of Fontaine’s vulcanizing plant next door to the post office.

Misses Jessie and Dorothy King left Thursday to visit their uncle, Dr. Marshall Crensbawe, of Greensville, S.C.

G.S. Jones of Hendersonville was in Brevard this week in the interest of his work as typewriter repairer. He was accompanied by his wife.

T.C. Henderson, principal of the Indian School at Pembroke, is spending a vacation at his home at Quebec. He was in Brevard during the week.

Mrs. F.O. Landis of Charlotte has rented the W.J. Puett eight-room house on Oak Lawn Avenue for the summer and will take possession June 4th.

Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Melton and daughter, Miss Nell, expect to leave Saturday for a visit of a few weeks to Chesterfield, S.C., their former home.

Miss Jim Perry of Greenville, S.C., was a recent guest at Mrs. Welch Galloway’s, where she spent a week. Miss Perry has the distinction of being the first woman licensed to practice law in South Carolina.

J.W. Perry has rented his house, heretofore used as his own residence, to Mrs. S.L. Blumgren of Charleston, S.C. She will occupy the house from the first of July till the first of November.

T.H. Shipman leaves this week to attend the meeting of the State Banker’s Association at Greensboro. He will be accompanied as far as Davidson by Mrs. Shipman, Elizabeth and Hays.

From The Brevard News, May 20, 1921

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