
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Personal Notes from Mount Airy, May 19, 1921

Mount Airy News

Capt. And Mrs. W.A. Jackson have returned from Greensboro where they attended the Teacher-Parent Association convention.

Mrs. T.C. Barber has returned from a visit to relatives in Rutherford county.

A daughter, Millicent Elizabeth, was born to Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Whetstone Tuesaqay evneing of last week.

Wade Abee is recovering from an operation for tonsils under Dr. Rowe.

Miss Olivine Porterfield of Glade Springs, Va., spent the past week end withy her cousin, Mrs. D. Vance Price.

Wade C. Moody has returned from a business trip to Salisbury.

Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Steele spent the past week end in Greensboro.

T. Daber made a business trip to Asheboro Saturday.

O.D. Boycott of Greensboro was a week end visitor in this city.

Mrs. W.F. Womble has returned from a visit to relatives in Winston-Salem.

The Philathea class of the First Baptist church will entertain the Baraca class Thursday evenign at a picnic supper at Brower Springs in honor f Misses Myra and Ava Olive.

Mr. and Mrs. William Allred have moved into the George Belton home on Wilson street.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.M. McCulley at Martin hospital Monday afternoon.

Mrs. G.C. Stewart and children spent the past week end with friends in Winston-Salem.

Miss Louisa Kochtitaky attended the music festival in Greenboro last week.

Jim Barker has moved his family to the Taylor farm just out side the city limits and will engage in farming.

Miss Elizabeth Sparger has returned to her home in this city after teaching school at Walnut Cove.

Mrs. James Bray has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ruth, in Greensboro.

F.M. Poore Jr. spent Sunday in Elkin. He was accompanied home by his wife who spent some time with her mother there.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Gwyn and children, and guest Miss Sadie Rollins of Asheville, are attending commencement at Oak Ridge this week.

T.D. Gilliam of High Point spent the past week end with his family who are guests of Mrs. R.L. Gwyn at Idlewild.

Mrs. W.F. Carter will return the last of the week from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. John McSween in Timmonsville, S.C.

Miss Margaret Fulton has accepted a position with the state highway commission with headquarters in Elkin.

Miss Pearl Hatcher has returned to her home in this city after spending the past season in Summerfield where she taught school.

W.T. Carter of Danville, Va., and son E.W. Carter of Winston-Salem, visited his son M. M. Carter on Cherry street last week.

Miss Sadie Reddick and brother of Liberty are here to be near their brother, L.G. Reddick, whose condition remains critical.

Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Bunker have returned from Panama where Mr. Bunker has resided a number of years. They will reside at White Plains.

Mrs. J.R. Paddison has returned to her home in this city after spending the winter with her sons in Memphis, Tenn., and Norfolk, Va.

Mrs. E.W. Pattison has returned from a visit to relatives in Albany, Ga., and Norfolk, Va., after which she spent some time with her husband who is traveling in Ohio.

S.M. Hale left Sunday for a business trip to Baltimore. He was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Harry Nelms of Kingsport, Tenn., and her little girl.

Mrs. J.W. Greenwood has returned to her home in Amelia county, Va., after spending several weeks here to be near her sister, Mrs. R.B. Short, who is recovering from a serious illness.

From The Mount Airy Times, May 19, 1921

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