
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

100 Help Sylvester Spoon Celebrate His 94th Birthday May 22, 1921

94th Birthday Dinner in Honor of Sylvester Spoon

Not every one can enjoy the pleasure of a 94th birthday, and indeed it would be hard to find a more bountifully prepared dinner than was enjoyed by more than 100 relatives and friends at the home of Sylvester Spoon in the Mt. Zion neighborhood, on Sunday, May 22, 1921.

A table 30 feet long and of ample width was loaded to the groaning point. When every one had eaten all the chicken, ham, pies, custards and cakes and other good things to eat too numerous to mention, they could hold, there remained more than enough to feed 25 hungry men. This truly was feast of good things and all were happy and none more deeply touched by this manifestation of friendship and kinshp than the honoree on this his 94th birthday.

It was a perfect May day and to all of us a good day, a happy day, and we pray many more such days may come to him, each one better and happier and brighter until that perfect day shall dawn.

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., June 2, 1921

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