
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

"Drunkest Negro" Fined $5 and Costs, June 27, 1921

“Drunkest Negro” Is Fined $5 and Costs

Declared by Officer L.E. Moser to be the drunkest negro ever brought into the local police station, Jeann Connor, who hasn’t realized yet what it’s all about was fined $5 and costs for his spree by Judge Jones in the police court Monday morning. “I never saw anything like it before,” declared Officer Moser on the witness stand. “We literally had to haul him in. He was lying on a front porch on Second street in Brooklyn when we discovered him. I touched him gently with my finger and he rolled down the steps and out into the yard. He was as limp as a dish rag. We pulled him this way and that trying to get him into a car. He stretched like a rubber band. He was put in the back of the car like a sack of meal. It took a big part of the police force to haul him into the jail.”

This happened Saturday night. Connor came to his senses Sunday afternoon with the events of his spree a gap in his memory. When given an opportunity to question Officer Moser on the witness stand Monday morning, he asked a score of questions as to his actions while he was drunk. When he had found out everything he exclaimed, “I’ll be dog-gone.”

From The Charlotte News, Monday, June 27, 1921

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