
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Joseph Reddick's Death Shocked Guilford College, June 1, 1921

Death Claims Guilford Alumnus

On Friday, May 20, Joseph G. Reddick died in Mount Airy after several days of severe illness from typhoid fever. His death was a shock to all the Guilford students and members of the faculty who knew him. His pleasing and congenial disposition had won for him a big place in the affection of his fellow students.

His very active college life made him a leader among the students. He stood high in scholarship, and in society work and in athletics. During his Junior year Joe was a member of the Y.M.C.A. cabinet and Basket Ball manager. During his senior year he was president of the Athletic Association, Business Manager of the Guilfordian, and President of his class. For two years he was one of the most valuable men on the football team, for one year he played varsity basket ball and for three years he was a member of the base ball team.

Since his graduation, Joe has taught school at Trinity High School; served several months in the United States army. When he died he was head of the English department of Mount Airy High School, and had just been elected principal of that school for next year.

The brief characterization given him by his Class Book gives a good picture of the Joe whom his college friends know. “Joe is one of the favorites of the class of ’18, and is noted for his ready wit, jolly good humor and athletic feats. He has entered into every form of athletics, and has left a record seldom surpassed. He is always courteous, frank, and is a true, sincere friend. He thinks that the world is a pretty nice place after all, and never is his face darkened by a frown of ill humor or a cloud of pessimism.”

The funeral services were held at the Reddick home in Trinity, N.C., and the body interred at Thomasville.

From The Guilfordian, Guilford College, June 1921

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