
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Members Hold 'Shingling Bee' at Spencer Memorial Church, June 19, 1921

North Charlotte Has “Shingling Bee” During Two Hottest Summer Days

Spurning the offer of a contractor to shingle the roof for $300, 25 members of the Spencer Memorial church in North Charlotte turned carpenter and consequently the congregation will worship beneath a new roof Sunday.

The job was done during the two hottest days of the summer, members and friends of the Men’s Bible class of the church joining the “Shingling bee” and going at their work with determination despite the pep-reducing level about which the thermometer hung.

The material for shingling the roof was furnished by L.E. Anderson, superintendent of the Highland Park Mill, No. 3. The ladies of the church provided dinner for the workmen and much fun and frolicking was mixed into the task. Jim Hinson was in charge of the work.

“This work on the part of the men shows the excellent spirit that they manifest in religious matters in North Charlotte,” said the man reporting the event. “They are always ready to respond to anything they are called upon to do.

“North Carolina is improving a number of ways,” continues the report. “The now primary school is just about completed. The board of city commissioners have granted the appeal of this community to lay an 8-inch water main from 22nd street to the city limits. It is anticipated that in a very short time we will have good sanitation. North Charlotte is growing in every way. Several new residences are going up, and improvements of all kinds are in full swing.

“Plans are now being made by the pastor of the Methodist church and his assistant to organize a kindergarten for children under school age. If a teacher can be provided, the school board will in all probability grant the use of a room in the new primary school for such a purpose during the summer months.”

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, June 19, 1921

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