
Saturday, June 19, 2021

Personal Notes From Vass, Cameron, West End, Jackson Springs, June 1921


Mr. W.G. Brown of Sanford was in Vass Monday.

Mr. Gordon Thomas came home from Raleigh for the week-end.

Mrs. J.H. Oldham was in Sanford shopping last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Smith attended preaching at Cypress church Sunday.

Mr. Turney Matthews of Cameron spent Sunday with the home folks here.

Mr. Arthur Thompson visited friends in Cameron Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Oldham spent Sunday in the White Hill neighborhood.

Miss Sadie McDuffie of Raeford is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edd. Thompson.

Mrs. Mildred Matthews of Sanford spent a part of last week with relatives here.

Mr. John a. Gunter has returned from an extended visit to relatives at Lemon Springs.

Misses Nettie and Freda Gachwind spent Sunday afternoon with friends near Sanford.

Mr. Edward Griffin had as his guest Sunday Mr. C.C. Jordan of Aberdeen.

Mr. Roy Kaneer and sister, little Miss Aileen, of High Point, spent the week-end with friends here.

Miss Clyde Fisher and Mr. Faye Cauddell of St. Paul’s were the guests of Miss Margaret Keith last Friday evening.

Misses Ossie Edwards and Nettie Gachwind left Monday for Raleigh where they will attend summer school at the State College.

Miss Velma Matthews of High Point visited Miss Jessie Brooks on Tuesday. Dr. Matthews, the new dentist was busy introducing her as his sister. Well, why not? But also why “sister” only?


Good old summer time at the present writing. News melts faster than one can write it.

Prof. Duncan Matthews and little son Preston of Vass were in town Monday.

Mrs. Janie Muse and daughter Mamie Neal spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Laney Campbell of Jonesboro.

Miss Ruth Gaither of Statesville was a guest last week of Miss Burdett Joyner.

Rev. Mr. McLeod of Lemon Springs filled the pulpit at the Methodist Church Sunday and Sunday night in the absence of Rev. L.H. Joyner.

Mrs. Mildred Matthews of Sanford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J.J. Irvin.

While gathering eggs last week, Mrs. J.B. Munn found one that was shaped like a small crooked handle gourd. Poultry breeders will, perhaps, say the hen had been eating gourd seed.

Frances Matthews has returned from Yadkin, where she had been in school. She was accompanied by Miss Dixie Miller, who will visit her sister, Mrs. Georgie Matthews.

Miss Mattie Bell Rogers of Fayetteville is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Petty.

Mrs. Joseph A. Brown of Chadborn was a distinguished visitor of her sister, Mrs. Loula Muse.

There will be a measuring party and musical program by the Cameron string band, the community quartette, Surry county chorus, and other musical numbers given at the Cameron Graded School House on the night of July the 4th.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thomas, a son.

Master Andrews Muse Hemphill left Monday with his uncle, Dr. J.D. Muse, for a visit to Smithfield.

Mr. E.G. Bray of Atlanta was a guest last week of Miss Lula McPherson.

Misses Carlton and Thomas of Pittsboro spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Thomas.

The Young People’s Missionary Rally of Fayetteville Presbyterial will be held in Cameron on Friday, June the 24th. There will be a picnic dinner, and all members of the Presbyterian Church are requested to come with well-filled baskets. All members of any other church who may so desire will do the same, and receive a cordial welcome. There are to be four of these rallies within the bounds of the Fayetteville Presbyterial, under the efficient management of Mrs. George Rose of Fayetteville.

Mrs. C.E. Snipes and daughters, Olivia, Kittie Mae, Sue Margaret and Hazel, of Clio, S.C., Betty Houstenn of Dillon, Messrs. Coley Snipes and Billie Eustice of Clio visited Mr. and Mrs. D.W. McNeill for the week-end.

Rev. M.D. McNeill accompanied by Mrs. McNeill went to Cypress and Vass Sunday where Mr. McNeill filled his appointments. They were dinner guests at the beautiful and attractive home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McNeill.

Misses Sallie and Bessie Cameron of Route 1 were callers Saturday afternoon

at the home of Mrs. Janie Muse.

W.M. Blue of Raeford, R.A. Smith and daughter, Miss Mamie, were visitors Saturday at the home of the correspondent.

Mr. D.P. Kelly and son, Mallie, on Vass Route 1 were in town Monday.

Miss Mary Emma Thomas leaves this week for the summer school at Chapel Hill.

The handsome new brick building of Womac and Thomas is about completed on the outside.

Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Hartsell and children and Miss Lucile Thomas of Morven were week-end visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J.W. Hartsell.

Miss Willie May Wooten came home from Sanford Sunday.

Mrs. Alsa Thomas visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Gaddy, Monday.

Mr. Archie McDugald of Hamlet was in town Monday.

One of the prettiest and neatest wash dresses I have seen this summer was made by Miss Myrtle Gaddy. The material is made from Sea Island cotton, embroidered in butterfly design. It is made in the latest fashion, but not an extreme style. It is also a serviceable dress, and will outlast the style in which it is made. Miss Gaddy calls it her home spun dress, reminding one of the song of the early ‘60s, “Hurrah for the Home-Spun Dresses the Southern Ladies Wear.”

Messrs. John Gaddy and Charles Loving made a business trip to Fayetteville Tuesday.

Miss Opal Jones of Siloam arrived Monday for a visit to friends in town and community. She is the honor guest of Mrs. Georgie Matthews.

Mrs. W.H. Olive and Miss Vera McLean were shopping last week in Raleigh.

Mr. and Mrs. Sims and Mr. and Mrs. Holt of New Hill spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Holt on Route 1.

Mr. A.F. Graham, on Route 2 still continues quite ill. He is gradually growing weaker.


Don’t forget the play “Home Ties” that will be given at the school house June 17 at 8:30 o’clock for the benefit of the new Presbyterian church. Mr. Hobson Tucker is back in town after spending a few weeks at home.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Woodley were visitors at the Mr. T.J. Fletchers Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. G.A. Smith has gone to Raleigh.

The West End baseball team and a crowd of people from Jackson Springs motored up to High Falls Saturday, and the baseball team played High Falls and again came home victorious.

Mr. D.D. Eifort was in Aberdeen Monday.

Messrs. Dunk Currie and Fred Morton of McCall, S.C., were visitors here Saturday.

Mrs. J.B. Eifort is out of town for a while.

Mrs. C.W. Poole spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. T.B. Graham.

Mr. Si Martain is getting over a bad attack of chicken pox.

Master Dan McDuffie Jr. visited in town Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. W.P. Cochran went to Aberdeen Monday.


Our first town election that was to be held some time ago was postponed until July 5th. W.L. Holliday is registrar and the books are open.

Officers were too fast last week when they made a raid and captured two young white men with meal and everything but the still on G.P. Markham’s farm, several miles from here in an undeveloped section on Drowning Creek. The young men had been preparing for their work for some time, and lacking experience, suspicion was aroused, as Mr. Markham’s farm is on the public road and his family and some negroes live here. This first experience of the young men, who are prominent socially in their community, will probably be enough to break them of a bad habit that so many are allowed to go on with unchecked. Both boys are out under a bond.

The West End boys are continuing to win ball games. The boys were highly elated over their defeat of High Falls at the latter place. It took 10 innings to win the game by a score of 10 to 9, best that was done in the last three innings. Herndon, pitching for West End, collided with the empire during the early part of the game and soon had to give up the mound duty in favor of Moss when the game looked doubtful. With a one-sided score he held the High Falls team down and soon started the rally that won the game by hitting for four bases. Young also got one of his four ply swats and Eifort was caught at the plate trying to stretch a three base hit into a home run. If Moss and Young continue playing an important part in winning ball games, they will soon be playing on a bigger league than the Moore County League.

Since a few weeks ago when more than 135 girls from the Samarcand Manor school with their instructors hiked to the lake here for a picnic, we have not seen very much of the girls wearing bloomers until the pat week. On Tuesday of last week 24 of the girls with two of their teachers were here early on their way to the lake at Poplar Springs where they spent the night. They returned to the school in the afternoon, stopping at the pavillion here. Miss Scribner, the Physical Director, played the piano and the girls performed many stunts and sang several songs. Since then classes have spent two nights camping at the lake, where they enjoy the bathing. A swimming instructor has her hands full giving the girls lessons in swimming and diving.

A large crowd was here for the dance Saturday night. It is beginning to look like old times to see more coming here to enjoy the excellent music.

Colon Smith is very ill at his home on the Hoffman road.

Guy Thomas, who was operated on at the Hamlet Hospital for appendicitis Wednesday, is getting on very well.

Mrs. S.C. Johnson is very sick at her home here.

Misses Eva Jones, Lola Thomas and Mary Patterson were among those leaving Monday for State College Summer School at Raleigh.

The Community Club meeting was postponed until Tuesday, June 21st.

The Fruit Growers’ Association has its telephone lines up and ‘phones installed in the pack houses and residence. In this way they can get direct news.

Prof. and Mrs. W.C. McCall and children of Hemp were here Saturday.

VASS R.F.D. No. 1

Mrs. Martin Monroe of Sanford spent Sunday with home folks on this route.

Mr. Francis Deaton of Sanford was in this section Sunday.

Mrs. Mary Blue and granddaughter, little Margaret Kelly, spent the week-end with relatives near West End.

Misses Margaret McLeod and Rozella McCollum left Wednesday night for Washington, D.C., where they will join a touring party, visiting several of the most interesting places in the United States and Canada.

A committee composed of Messrs. Z.V. Blue and F.M. Dwight and Miss Ethel Blue, representing the Eureka Produce and Marketing Association, were in Pinehurst and Southern Pines Saturday to investigate the possibilities of a local market for the products grown by this association.

Prof. J.D. McLeod left Tuesday for Duke, where on the following day he was married to Miss Sadie McKay of that place. After the ceremony they left for Washington and other points north.


The young girls of the town met at the Hotel last Friday afternoon for the purpose of arranging a sewing circle.

After the question had been discussed, the circle was organized under the leadership of Mrs. Bliss, and it was decided that the meeting should be held on Thursday afternoon of each week at the homes of the different members. The first meeting will be held at the Hotel on Thursday afternoon, June 16, at 2:30 o’clock.

The following members were enrolled: Lois Sanford, Jessie Brooks, Eloise Brooks, Mildred Thomas, Ila Evans, Lula Evans, Helen Parker, Edna Allen, Daisy Allen, Freda Gachwind, Louise Leslie, Marjory Leslie, Jewell Edwards, Annie McGill, Thelma Bliss, Katherine Graham, Jewell Thompson, Glennie Keith and Agnes Smith.

From The Pilot, Vass, N.C., June 17, 1921

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