
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Phillips Couple Charged With Harboring a 15-Year-Old Girl, June 28, 1921

Negro Man and Wife Held for Harboring

Charged with contributing to the delinquency of a 15-year-old negro girl, Lum Phillips, a negro, and his wife, Mary, were given 90 days on the roads and 30 days in jail, respectively, by Judge Laurence Jones in the police court Tuesday morning. It was brought out in the evidence that Phillips had “slipped” louis Grant, a 14-year-old girl, from the home of her mother and carried her to his home, where it was alleged he kept her. His wife knew of his actions and aided him, it was alleged. Louise, the daughter, proved a hard witness to question on the witness stand and her remarks to the questions asked her kept the court in turmoil for several minutes.

“Don’t you know that you had been loitering around on the streets of this city before this thing happened?” asked one attorney.

“Where did you see me?” shot back the witness.

From The Charlotte News, Tuesday, June 28, 1921. The 15-year-old is Louis on first reference and Louise on second in the newspaper article.

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