
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Remains of Lt. Davis Summers, Killed in France, Returned for Burial, June 29, 1921


The body of First Lieutenant Davis K. Summers, said to have been the first doctor killed in the A.E.F. in France, is expected to arrive in Charlotte Wednesday night from New York, according to a telegram received by J.M. Harry Undertaking Company from a relative.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, if the body arrives in time. Doctors in the World war are expected to serve as pallbearers.

Dr. Summers was killed in France March 1, 1918. The American Legion post at Chattanooga, Tenn., is named in is honor as the first man from that city to lose his life in the war.

The father of the dead officer was the late J.A. Summers of this city, who died here in 1914. His mother and one brother, F.B. Summers, of Jonesboro, Ga., are expected here for the service. He also has another brother, A.C. Summers.

From The Charlotte News, June 29, 1921. A.E.F. stands for American Expeditionary Forces, which was the term used to describe all American soldiers fighting overseas on World War I. The photo is from To read more about Lt. Summers, go to that site.

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