
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

American Citizens Force Undesired Foreigners Out Of Town, State Troopers on Hand Advise Foreigners to Leave, July 13, 1921

Foreigners Advised to Quit Beaverdale

Johnstown, Pa., July 13—Many foreigners left Beaverdale, a mining town near here, late last night following a mass meeting of American citizens who are said to have reiterated their intention of driving out the undesirable foreign element alleged to have been responsible for numerous crimes committed at Beaverdale within the last few months.

State police on duty at Beaverdale attended the meeting and were told, it is reported, that the objectionable element must leave the community. “If they do not,” the spokesman is reported as saying,” You policemen may stay here and protect them, but we will get them sooner or later, perhaps tonight, even against your opposition.”

The state troopers, according to the reports, advised those against whom feeling ran high to leave the town and an exodus began which is said to have proceeded quietly.

Five buildings were dynamited, and a number of foreign residents driven from their homes Monday night, according to reports reaching Cambria county authorities.

From The Charlotte News, July 13, 1921

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