
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Deaths of Note From A.M.E. Zion Church, July 21, 1921


Christopher Columbus Lomax was born August 29th, 1861. He departed this life June 27th, 1921, age about 59 years and 10 months. During the past 12 years he has suffered from rheumatism and other troubles complicated.

The greater portion of his time during those years he was able to go around and look after and attend to business.

He was taken seriously ill Thursday, the 23rd, at which time he took his bed and was confined to his room until death.

He confessed faith in the Lord Jesus at Clinton Chapel when young several years ago and joined the church. He always claimed that as his church.

His last days were given to prayer almost exclusively. He would have his room vacated at times in order that he might not be interrupted while in devotion.

He evidently saw that his time was fast winding up. He therefore kept his petition constantly before the Lord.



By Mrs. Eugenia Donaldson

The funeral services of Mrs. Wallace Fox of Davidson, N.C., who departed this life Sunday, June 12, 1921, were held Tuesday, June 14, at Reeves temple church, Davidson, N.C.

It was a great shock to her many friends. The funeral services were conducted in a very impressive manner by the Rev. Mr. Rhinehardt of the above named church.

The pastor spoke fervently of the excellent qualities of the deceased. The love and esteem in which Mrs. Fox was held by all of her friends were evidenced in more ways than one, for here and there one could observe the expressions of sorrow.

Her daughters, Mrs. H.C. Brundage and Miss Mabel Caldwell, arrived in time form New York to attend the funeral.

The church has lost one of its leading pillars. She was a faithful member, a loving mother and devoted wife.

The Eastern Star of which she was a member, turned out in full numbers.

Davidson, N.C.







Deaths in St. Paul and Bostic Chapel

Sister D.G. Harrell died in the faith and hope of eternal life January 3, 1921. J.W. Walton died February 17, 1921. Sister Holdy Hill died March 4, 1921. She was one of the oldest patriarch, and died in the faith and hope of eternal life and said heaven was her home.

Sister Rossie Webb died March 31, 1921. She was a young girl, but lived an honest life for God and man. She was a Christian and said there would be a wonderful change.

Sister Martha Young died May 10, 1921. She testified for the Savior in class meeting. She was a faithful worker for the Master.



Mrs. Nancy J. Stitt, wife of Rev. M. Stitt, pastor of St. John Circuit, Fayetteville, N.C., passed away June the 27th. She was a true and faithful member of Clarks Chapel A.M.E. Zion church, Tar Heel, N.C., under the pastoral charge of Rev. A.D. Bland, but God has seen fit to call her from labor to reward, where there will be no sickness, sorrow, pain or death, but eternal happiness.

Mrs. Stitt leaves a husband, one brother, four sisters and two sons to mourn their loss.

Behind the dim unknown, standeth God within the shadow.

Keeping watch above His own.

Tar Heel N.C.



On June 26th, 1921, the death angel visited the home of Mr. Sumpter Short, Crystal court, No. 300, and took out of this world a loving wife, devoted mother and a faithful member of the Colanthe.

Resolved, That since it has pleased Almighty God to take out of the world our beloved sister and friend, Malissa Short, let us bow our heads in humble submission to our Heavenly Father’s will.

Resolved, that we hold ever dear the memory of her kind and good deeds while here on earth among us.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be encouched in the minutes of Crystal Court, No. 300, as a token of her faithfulness to the court and its members.

Resolved, That Chrystal court, No. 400, tender its sympathy to the husband, daughters, sons, and relatives of Sister Malissa Short.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family.

Resolved, That a copy be sent to The Star of Zion for publication.

Committee: Mrs. Goins, Mrs. A.E. Pendergrass, Mrs. L.L. Alston, Chairman, Rock Hill, S.C.



By James S. Williams, Chairman of Trustee Board

On the evening of June 27th at 7:30, Mr. Robert Turner, for 25 years a very faithful member and trustee of Trinity A.M.E. Zion church, Greensboro, N.C., passed to his eternal reward, after about three weeks’ illness. He had been in declining health, however, for about a year, following an accident.

The funeral service was held from the above named church Thursday evening, June 30 at 2 p.m. It was conducted by Rev. R.L. Houston, a former pastor, Rev. C.W. Lawrence and Rev. Smith, of the Presbyterian church, who spoke very beautifully of the deceased as a friend and neighbor.

He leaves to mourn their loss a wife, one son, one brother and a host of relatives and friends. Thus ended a very useful life of service. To say that he will be missed in putting it mildly. He was a conscientious Christian.

Servant of God, well done

Praise by thy new employ.

And while eternal ages run

Rest in thy Savior’s joy.

Greensboro, N.C.

From The Star of Zion, Charlotte newspaper of the A.M.E. of Zion Church, July 21, 1921

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