
Friday, July 16, 2021

Ku Klux Klan Leader John Collier Dies Suddenly in Charlotte, July 16, 1921

Ku Klux Leader Dies Suddenly. . . John P. Collier Passes Away at Local Hotel From Heart Failure

John P. Collier of Houston, Texas, who came here in February in the interest of the Ku Klux Klan and who has been active in forming a chapter here, died at 5 o’clock Friday morning in a local hotel, where he had been stopping since his arrival in the city.

Mr. Collier has been indisposed for several days, having been a sufferer from heart trouble. Friday morning he was not so well and his death occurred rather suddenly and unexpectedly at the hour named above.

Mr. Collier was a native of this State but had been living in Texas for many years, Houston being his home. He married Miss Jane Lamb of Clinton, Mo., who survives him. She has been here with Mr. Collier since he came to Charlotte. Mrs. Collier’s little niece is here with them.

The funeral services and burial will be held here Sunday at an hour yet to be determined. Rev. C.B. Mashburn, pastor of the First Christian Church here, will conduct the service.

Mr. Collier, since his coming to Charlotte had made many friend who were shocked Friday at the announcement of his sudden death. An American of the highest type, he zealously and sedulously preached the gospel the ideals on which America was founded must be preserved.

The Charlotte News, July 16, 1921 -=- Statesville, July 16--The annual reunion of the Lippard family will be held on the 18th in honor of the 100th birthday of Mrs. Margaret Lippard. The reunion will be held at the home of Mrs. John P. Collins, the oldest daughter, who lives on the Monbo road. A picnic dinner will be served. The Charlotte News, July 16, 1921

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