
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Local and Personal News From Alamance Gleaner, July 28, 1921

Local News

--A most welcome shower fell here Tuesday afternoon. It rained about one hour, starting shortly after 1 o’clock.

--The County Commissioners will meet in regular monthly session next Monday, it being the first Monday of August.

--The hard-surface road from Trollingwood to Haw River is almost completed. It is understood that it will take only four or five days longer to complete putting down the concrete.

--Mr. Robt. G. Rainey was called to Durham Monday on account of the serious illness of his father, Mr. James Rainey, who died Monday night and was buried Tuesday afternoon.

--Dr. Daniel Albright Long preached a very interesting and instructive sermon at the Graham Christian church last Sunday, filling the pulpit of Rev. F.C. Lester, who was away helping in a protracted service.

--Work on the additions to Graham Graded School building is well along. The walls are up and the roof is on, and the workmen are now busy on the interior work. Messrs. A.B. Nicholson & son have the contract and are pushing the work. They expect to have it completed, ready for the opening of school in the early fall.

--The contractors are making good progress on putting in the sewer system for Graham. The sewer pipes are laid as fast as the ditching is completed. Weather conditions have been most favorable for the work. On the outlet toward Haw River, on the east, beyond the town limits, solid rock has been encountered in places and progress is necessarily slow.

--This morning at 7:45 a large number of the Baptists and others left on a picnic excursion to the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville. The two Baptist churches in Burlington furnished about 500 for this excursion.

--Mrs. Fannie Horn, widow of Abel Horne, died last Thursday, 21st inst., at her home near Haw River, aged 77 years, 4 months and 19 days. The remains were buried at Long’s Chapel on Friday.

--The members of Co. I, First Regt., and the Graham Medical Corps of the N.C. National Guards returned Monday from encampment at Camp Glenn, Morehead City. The boys appear to be in fine condition, and they report a good time.

--Mr. Freeman Coley of Burlington and Miss Annie Boone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Boone of Graham, gave their friends a big surprise Sunday night. They were united in marriage by Mr. Walter M. Euliss, J.P. Here’s wishing them long life, happiness and prosperity.

--Burlington and Mebane had a “set-to” at baseball last Friday and Saturday. On Friday at Burlington, Mebane won by a score of 3 to 5, and at Mebane on Saturday Mebane won again, score 11 to 3. Yesterday Burlington played Reidsville at the latter’s place. Friday Burlington plays Schoolfield at Schoolfield. Saturday Burlington plays Reidsville at Burlington.


Mr. Julian E. Sellars of Pleasant Grove township was in town Tuesday.

Mrs. Junius H. Harden left last night for Philadelphia to consult a specialist.

Messrs. B.N. Turner and Chas. E. Moore spent Monday afternoon in Greensboro.

Mr. A. Lacy Holt and Master Fred left Saturday for Wrightsville and returned Monday.

Miss Siddie Moore of Shelby arrived here Tuesday on a visit to Miss Annie Hunter.

Miss Blanche Webster of Burlington spent the week-end here with Mrs. W.W. Garrett.

Miss Mattie G. Long spent last week with Misses Nell and Alberta Thompson in Mebane.

Miss Mattie Evans of Danville, Va., arrived here Monday on a visit to Miss Conley Albright.

Mrs. H.H. Simpson of Haw River spent Sunday here with her daughter, Mrs. E. Lee Henderson.

Mrs. W.W. Phillips left Sunday for Asheville, where she will spend 10 days with friends.

Miss Mary Catherine Holt returned Tuesday from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Roy Long, in HIckory.

Mrs. W.R. Goley left last Saturday for Jackson Springs to visit her daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Ross.

Miss Jeannette and Master Banks Simpson of Greensboro spent Sunday here with Mrs. E.L. Henderson.

Miss Helen Sumner, who has been visiting Mrs. Will E. White, left yesterday for her home in Salisbury.

Miss Estelle Brown of Hillsboro will arrive tomorrow to spend the week-end with Miss Jessie Phillips.

Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Donnell of Greensboro were guests at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Frank Moore last night.

Miss Annie Watson Moore spent Saturday and Sunday in Greensboro with her sister, Miss Fannie D. Moore.

Maj. J.J. Henderson left last night for Washington on business and expects to return tomorrow morning.

Mr. J.N.H. Clendenin left the latter part of last week for Wilmington, to visit his son, Mr. Geo. L. Clendenin.

Mrs. W.R. Perry and daughter, Miss Lorena, returned Monday from spending several days at Wrightsville Beach.

Miss Lucile Holmes returned Monday evening from Kenansville where she spent 10 days as a member of a house-party.

Messrs. Edgar Long and J.P. McAdams, Dr. Herbert S. Long and his young brother David spent last Friday at Pinehurst.

Mrs. J.J. Barefoot and Masters Jack and Bill of Raleigh arrived here Tuesday evening on a visit to Mrs. R.L. Holmes.

Mrs. W.S. Coulter of Burlington spent the latter part of last week here at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Will S. Long.

Mrs. W.M. Liner and daughter, Miss Agnes, returned yesterday from a visit of two weeks to her son, Mr. O.F. Liner, at Greenwood, S.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Causey and children of Greensboro spent Sunday here with Mrs. Causey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Scott Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Will E. White left this morning for Morganton, where Mrs. White will spend the month of August. Mr. White will spend the week-end.

Mrs. J. Dolph Long and Master George returned last week from a visit to the former’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Attmore at Stonewall near New Bern.

Mrs. Wilkinson and son, Mr. Clair Wilkinson, of Ridgeville, and Mrs. Dave Mebane of Mebane spent this morning at Mrs. G.L. Walker’s in passing through to Greensboro.

Mrs. Allen B. Thompson returned last Friday from a business trip to Hamlet, Rockingham, Jackson Springs, Asheboro and other points in the interest of Alamance Broom Co. [Unusual for a woman to be a traveling salesman; might have been a typo.]

Misses Lala Browning of Graham and Latha Stockard of Graham No. 1, who have been attending school at N.C. College for Women, Greensboro, returned home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. G.O. Rogers and little daughter of Raeford arrived last Saturday on a visit to Mr. Rogers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Rogers, south of Graham. Mr. Rogers is County Superintendent of Schools of Hoke County.

Mrs. P.A. Mitchell of Troy, N.C., is spending a few days here with her brother, Mr. J.D. Albright.

Mrs. E.J. Lester and son, Rev. F.C. Lester, left Sunday for their old home in Rockingham, near which Mr. Lester is engaged in a protracted meeting this week. Mr. Lester aided in a protracted meeting at Henderson last week.

Mrs. G.L. Walker and daughter, Miss Mary, have returned from a visit of several weeks to Mrs. Walker’s son, Mr. Will B. Walker, in New York. While in New York, Miss Walker will attend the World’s Christian Endeavor Conference.

Mrs. Walter R. Harden and two young daughters, Elizabeth and Annie Ruth, and Miss Lois Harden spent last Saturday in Greensboro, and Miss Elizabeth Craven of that city returned with them for a visit to Misses Elizabeth and Annie Ruth Harden.

Miss Nina Holt, the clerk and stenographer in the County Superintendent’s office, left this morning for a two weeks’ vacation. She will visit her sister, Mrs. Roy Long, in Hickory, and another sister, Mrs. W.D. Reaves in Greenville, S.C. Miss Holt will be accompanied to Hickory by Miss Margaret Hunter.

On last Thursday afternoon Mrs. J.B. Montgomery gave little Miss Virginia Harden a birthday party. It was her 12th anniversary and she had quite a company of her little friends with her. Refreshments were served.

Mr. Ray Harden had a number of his young lady and boy friends with him at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Harden, Tuesday evening. It was the celebration of his 19th anniversary, which fell on the 23rd. Refreshments were served and an enjoyable evening was spent.

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., July 28, 1921

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