
Monday, July 19, 2021

Perhaps 40 Lashes Would Keep Man From Beating Wife and Children, July 19, 1921

T.W. Briely In Jail

J.W. Briley who advertised in our columns recently that he would hold any one housing his wife responsible to law is now in the county jail as a result of beating everybody up at his home and threatening the lives of his wife and children. Briley pleads insanity. There isn’t any doubt but that he is insane when he is swept away by his emotions of anger but that is a delightful disease to all of us who (words obscured) and history and common sense taught us that just about forty lashes on a bare back will restore a subject to sanity immediately after the application. We strongly advise this medicine for a case like Mr. Briley’s.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, N.C., July 19, 1921. The headline in the newspaper gave the name as T.W. Briely but the article gave it as J.W. Briley.

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