
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Presbyterian Church Finished House For Young People, First Program Planned for Next Wednesday, July 22, 1921

House for Young People Completed. . . Building Erected on Presbyterian Church Lawn Is Now Ready for Use

The Young People’s House, at the Presbyterian church, which has been in process of building for the past several weeks, is having its finishing touches this week and will probably be ready for occupation next Sunday.

The house stands in the church lawn directly in the rear of the church building and faces toward the north. A large oak tree is at one corner of the porch, which runs the entire length of the building on this side. From this porch one of the loveliest views may be seen.

The house is built upon a cobblestone foundation and has a large chimney of the same material at one end. The weather boarding is of shingles. There is only one room in the main part of the house, with a small basement apartment, one end of which is to be used as a kitchenette, the other for toilet.

The main room is equipped with window seats, and in addition to these chairs will be used. This room 32 by 20, is to be divided into parts by curtains.

The first thing to attract the eye of the visitor entering the room is the fireplace, overtopped by its mantel of projecting stones. This fireplace is expected to be the heart of the house at winter gatherings.

As the name implies, the house is a church annex to be used for young people’s activities. Originally the plan was to provide class rooms for the primary department of the Sunday School. This idea has been extended to include all church society meetings and all special gatherings of the young people of the church. The Boy Scouts of Brevard, acting upon the offer of their scout master, Rev. J.R. Hay, have reported favorably on using the building for their meetings.

The house will be a great convenience to the Sunday School and a decided addition to the attractiveness of the grounds.


Meeting at Young People’s House on the Church Lawn

On Wednesday night of next week there will be an entertainment in the new building on the Presbyterian church lawn.

Dr. Charles Hemphill of the Presbyterian Seminary at Louisville, Ky., will give a number of readings from “Uncle Remus,” and there will be sons by the children, led by Mrs. H.L. Wilson. While the program has not been definitely outlined, it is expected that Dr. J.P. Smith, who was a member of Stonewall Jackson’s staff, will give some reminiscences of Civil War times, and that C.M. Cooke will entertain with banjo and singing.

The public is invited. The proceeds will be for the expense connected with the new building.

From the front page of the Brevard News, Friday, July 22, 1921

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