
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Severn, Woodland Local News, July 21, 1921

Severn News . . . Little Child Bitten by Snake—Mr. Stephenson Working Hard for Success of Peanut Growers

Miss Lillian Barham of Portsmouth, Va., is spending this week with her aunt, Mrs. A.M. Fleetwood.

Messrs. E.M. and Joe Rogers of Norfolk, Va., who have been visiting their father, Mr. J.V. Rogers, returned home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. N.L. Rochelle is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. S.J. Wilson, at her home in Boykins, Va.

Mrs. J.R. Nixon and children of Edenton arrived Wednesday to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. G.W. Pruden.

Mr. J.B. Stephenson spent last Tuesday in Suffolk, Va. As the efficient director of the Peanut Grower’s Assocation, he will bend every energy to the task of making it a success.

Misses Sallie Hoggard and Sabrina Holder returned Sunday from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Pruden at Boykins, Va.

Mr. Boyce and grandchildren of Portsmouth, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Joyner Saturday.

Misses Ethel and Carrie Porter of Newsoms, Va., are guests of their cousin, Miss Madge Porter, this week.

Master Billie Pruden of Margaretsville spent last week with his grandfather, Mr. W.H. Howell. He returned home Monday.

Mrs. A.I. Hines of Suffolk, Va., spent last week with her father, Mr. W.H. Howell. Mr. Hines spent the week-end here, returning to Suffolk Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Watson and little daughter Margaret spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Billie Watson near Murfreesboro.

Mrs. K.B. Scull and children of Rehoboth were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Mann, last week. She was accompanied home by Miss Janie Joyner, who will spend this week in Rehoboth.

Mr. C.K. Harvey has returned from his vacation spent in Lynchburg and Danville, Va.

Miss Winnifred Spencer is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Stephenson of Garysburg. Mr. Chas. Simonds, who has been very ill, is sufficiently recovered to be able to visit his daughter at Lewiston.

Miss Martha Sizemore, who was a guest of Miss Una White several days, left last Tuesday for Rich Square. Miss Sizemore, who is a graduate of the W.M.U. Training School at Louisville, Ky., is visiting the Missionary Societies of this county. Her message is timely as it urges a deeper personal consecration for personal service.

Little Mildred Taylor had the misfortune to be bitten by a snake last Monday. For several days the little girl was very ill but she is recovering rapidly now.

Woodland Locals. . . General and Personal Items of George-Woodland Community

Miss Alma Odom, Rich Square, spent the week-end in the home of Mr. J.M. Taylor.

Mr. E.G. Griffin and J.M. Brown were in Ahoskie one day the past week on business.

Mrs. Ozella O. Burgess and daughter, Miss Hattie May, Rich Square, visited relatives and friends here over Sunday.

Mrs. D.H. Cline, Lawndale, N.C., is visiting in the home of Mr. J.M. Taylor.

Mrs. Mary Parker, Lynchburg, Va., is visiting in the home of Mr. E.L. Vick. Mr. James Upton and two daughters, Jackson, also spent Sunday with Mr. Vick and family. Mrs. Parker is a sister of Mr. Upton and they had not seen each other for 18 years.

Miss Pauline Fawcet, who has been spending some time in the home of Mr. W.M. Rose, left a few days ago for her home in Erie, Pa. While here Miss Fawcet made many friends and they regretted to see the time come for her to leave. While she was in our midst, she was entertained in a number of our homes.

Miss Bertha Copeland, Eagletown, spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr. J. Elwood Copeland.

Mr. Henry Hollowell, Goldsboro, spent some time the past week in the home of Mr. W.J. Parker.

Mr. C.G. Parker and family, who have been visiting relatives and friends here for the past few weeks, left a few days ago for their home in Wilmington, Del.

Mrs. E.L. Brown and children, Rich Square, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here.

A number of our base ball fans attended the games at Kelford, Aulander and Ahoskie last week, played with the fast team from Edenton.

Miss Mary Grant Griffin is visiting one of her schoolmates at Shawboro, N.C.

Mrs. M.I. Sykes spent Sunday with her daughter at Conway.

Mrs. J. Elwood Copeland, who was sick the past week, is much improved.

Mr. Harry Vaughan, Scotland Neck, is spending his annual vacation with his home people here.

Mrs. Joyner, Holly Grove, visited her sister, Mrs. J.T. Liverman, last week.

Mrs. Estelle Joyner, Suffolk, Va., is visiting in the home of Mr. E.G. Griffin.

Miss Martha Sizemore, a Missionary, made a splendid talk to the Missionary Society here last Friday afternoon. She is being sent to a foreign field by the Northampton County Mission, and will soon take up her work in other lands.

Miss Nell Benthall left Monday for Elizabeth City, where she went to attend a house party given by her friend, Miss Annie Love.

Miss Urquhart, Roanoke Rapids, is visiting Mrs. W.H.S. Burgwyn.

Miss Whisnant, Richmond, Va., is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Whisnant.

Miss Crew, Pleasant Hill, who has been attending summer school at Chowan College, spent the week-end with Mrs. J.P. Griffin.

Mrs. Jessie Fagan, Lake View Hospital, Suffolk, Va., spent Saturday and Sunday with her home people here.

The services at the Baptist church Sunday morning and night were very impressive.

The Methodist church here has been conducting a rummage sale for the past two weeks which has been very successful. The proceeds from the sale goes to the church and a number of improvements will be made soon in the inside furnishings of the church.

Rich Square and Woodland played the third game of ball last Thursday, which was said to be the best game seen on the local grounds this season. The game was practically void of errors. It was a clean, undisputed game from start to finish. No arguments as to bad decisions by the umpire. Everybody was in good spirits and played the game hard. But for one error by a Woodland player, which let in two runs, the score would have been 1-0 in favor of Woodland, but the error was made, therefore it was 2 to 1 in favor of Rich Square. At the end of the game such good feeling existed between the Rich Square boys and the Woodland boys, they have agreed to unite and help each other in all tight games. Two of our best players, Vick and Joyner, helped Rich Square Friday beat Ahoskie, 8-4. Tuesday, Woodland played Weldon, assisted by some of Rich Square’s best players. Vick and Joyner will accompany the Rich Square team to a number of towns in Halifax, Warren and Vance counties during the remainder of this week. Mr. J.H. Parker, our popular railroad agent here, has recently been chosen manager of the baseball team, and he is planning some good games for the near future. Mr. Parker is one of the most public spirited men, never refusing to help out in a worthy cause for the good of the community. When asked to contribute something in order that we might have a Domestic Science teacher, he unhesitatingly said, “I’ll give $50.” The ball team could not have chosen a better man as their manager.


From the front page of the Roanoke-Chowan Times, Rich Square, Northampton County, N.C., July 21, 1921. “Carolina, Carolina, Heaven’s Blessings Attend Her.

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