
Monday, August 23, 2021

Criticism of Dunn Fire Department Unfair Since Commissioners Abolished Department, Says Editor, Aug. 23, 1921

Somebody has been so unkind as to blame the Dunn fire department for delay in throwing water on recent blazes. We cannot see that any particular harm has been done since the cussing of something that does not exist is a most harmless occupation. There isn’t any such thing as the Dunn fire department. The organization passed into history with the retirement of John W. Thornton as its chief. Our city fathers, who hold a job equally thankless as that which was so fittingly graced Chief John in abolishing his office also effaced the department.

About the only member of the old guard who has stuck to the job is Ellison Goddard. At whatever hour the alarm strikes, Ellison can be counted upon to be there to man the nozzle. Sometimes there isn’t much to go through the nozzle, but whatever there is available, Ellison is there to use it. It isn’t because he considers himself a fireman that the genial “Gob” answers the alarm. He just loves to do the work of saving folks’ property.

Besides Gob there are usually former Chief John and ourselves. John will come to get the truck started after all others have failed and will drive it to the fire. We usually swing on because that is about the easiest way to get to the scene of happenings. After we get there, get the hose strung out and the water to flowing, both John and I usually stand by to see the real work done by more youthful hands.

But aside from these regulars, there isn’t any such thing as a Dunn fire department. For this reason it is useless to cuss it. It is, however, about time that our commissioners awoke to the seriousness of the situation and organized a department; that would be effective.

From the editorial page of The Dunn Dispatch, Tuesday, August 23, 1921

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