
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Fearing Riot, Delegation Asks For Federal Troops at Locke Mill, Aug. 14, 1921

Urge Governor to Send Troops to Locke Mills. . . Concord Delegation Calls on Chief Executive at Asheville. . . Conditions Serious. . . Hundreds Reported Gather About Mills and Threaten Trouble

Asheville, Aug. 13—Urging that state troops be sent to Concord to suppress conditions described as intolerable as the result of the arrogant attitude of the striking mill workers, a delegation of Concord citizens were in session with Governor Cameron Morrison here for several hours tonight.

At the close of the conference the governor said that he has not reached a decision as to what action if any he will take in the matter. It was inferred however that he may soon have an announcement to make relative to his attitude.

Dangerous Attitude

Representatives from Concord included representatives of the city government, officials of the Locke, Irwin and other mills, and citizens. They told the governor that striking employes have assumed an attitude that is dangerous to the safety of the people generally, and people working in the mills particularly.

Riot Conditions Prevail

Conditions are rapidly assuming a state of riot, they told the governor, and the local authorities are wholly incapable of coping with the situation. With the opening of other mills scheduled for Monday, conditions promise to become worse, they said. Among those in the Concord party were J.W. Hartsell, S.W. Rankin, C.H. Webb and others, it was learned late tonight.

From The Charlotte News, Aug. 14, 1921

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