
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Jasper Orr Farm Property Added to Brevard Institute, August 1921

Brevard College, 1939 Postcard

Brevard Institute Adds Property. . . Women of the Council of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Purchases the Jasper Orr Farm

By A.S. Raper

Good news that which conveys to us the fact that the good women of the Council of the M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Church, South, have purchased the 80-acre farm known as the Jasper Orr farm.

Oh! what a beautiful place, and a very handsome home which now comes to the Brevard Institute. This purchase adds to our holdings the most beautiful grounds in all of the beautiful little city of Brevard.

Every Methodist should be proud of this purchase. It is just what has been needed to make possible an enlarged Brevard Institute.

It may begin to dawn on some people the bigness of this work.

If any young Methodist boy or girl has an ambition to secure a splendid christian scholarship, they will find right at their door a school that will help them to lay a broad foundation.

The school and the church need to go hand in hand.

The Methodist Church has long taught this, but until now, we have been handicapped for lack of funds.

The great awakening along general educational lines is at white heat in the church.

Those who live 50 years hence will see a great school right here in this green valley.

If the church and her members, who are called Methodists, will open only one eye, they can see the need of an awakening all along the line of education, no more among their own membership that among the membership of other branches of the christian church.

Since the days of Wesley and Whitefield our ministry has been able to measure up to a high standard, and never have we been one whit behind any other band of christian workers.

Boldness in the days of the apostle Paul did much to spread the plain teaching of the master. We stand in need of boldness today as much as those of Paul’s day.

When a church stands for something, or when an individual stands for something, there may seem to be a rough road ahead of either, but finally a day of victory will come. Jesus, our Savior, had his shadows through which to pass, but with no fear nor trembling, was he for a single moment led from the straight path. Blessed is the church or individual who maps out a way, in accord with the teachings of Christ; and walks therein. To follow the flowing stream is easy, but to stem the tide is hard—So often does the temptation to go the easy way alure us, and we are lulled to sleep—the sleep of death.

Do we die or do we live?

The blind sees no dangers. The deaf hear no noises. Are we dead? If not why be so quiet. Hearty cooperation and good will is all any one really needs, while passing this way.

It is sad but it is true that we pass life’s way but once.

Watchmen tell us here which way we are going—The narrow way or the Broad way? Many go in the broad way, but few find the narrow way.

Watch your step then, my friend. Life is more serious than you may think. The end is coming--coming—Yes, it is certainly coming. Then eternity. Where will you spend it—ETERNITY—that long, endless eternity? TIME now to consider, THEN too late.

Oh, friend be wise, just think for one little minute, then act and please Jesus.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Aug. 19, 1921. Brevard Institute began as a high school in 1895, and later merged with Weaver College and Rutherford College to form a Methodist junior college, which quickly became Brevard College in 1934 (History of Brevard | Learning & Serving | Brevard College).

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