
Sunday, August 1, 2021

J.D. Cash, Bell Boy, Found Guilty of Attempted Larceny, Aug. 1, 1921

Bell Boy Held for Attempted Larceny

Holding that a hotel bell boy has no right to enter the room of a guest unless so ordered by the guest, Judge Lawrence Jones found J.D. Cash, negro bell boy in the Central hotel, guilty of entering the room of B.W. Heath, who rooms in the hotel, with the intention of committing larceny. He was fined $75 and costs.

According to Mr. Heath, he was lying in his room half-asleep shortly after midnight Sunday night. He suddenly heard a noise which brought him to his senses. A moment later he heard his trousers, which had been hanging on the back of the chair, fall to the floor. He jumped up and found Cash in the room. When asked for an explanation, Cash declared that he had come up to bring some ice water. He did not have any ice water with him, however. He immediately walked out and started downstairs. Mr. Heath called to the clerk to stop him.

No money was missed from his trouser pockets, but Mr. Heath testified that he was positive the negro had attempted to rob him. He had left his room door open on account of the heat which accounted for the negro entering noiselessly.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Monday, August 1, 1921

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