
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Local Items from Dawson, Scotland Neck, Mooresville, August, 1921


Miss Sallie Pope is spending the week in Littleton, with relatives.

Miss Madeline Quincy returned to her home in Enfield Tuesday after spending a week here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Fleming.

Mrs. O.E. Pope returned to her home in Oak City Sunday after visiting relatives here.

Mrs. W.A. Quincy and children of Enfield spent Tuesday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. J.W. Fleming.

Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Butts motored to Scotland Neck Tuesday, shopping.

Rev. And Mrs. Denison of Rocky Mount, Primitive Baptist pastor of Kehuhee Church, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Butts.

Quite a large number of Dawson people attended services at Crowell’s Church Tuesday night. The series of meetings are going on there. Rev. Marshall of Littleton is helping out Rev. Walter Bobbitt.

Mr. Loyd Partin, Misses Margaret Barnhill, Lillian, Bessie and Pattie Lou Partin attended services at Crowells Sunday afternoon.

The series of meetings will start here Sunday at 11 o’clock a.m. Rev. Bob Reele of Nashville will help our pastor, Rev. Walter Bobbitt of Littleton during this meeting. The public is cordially invited.


Miss Francis Foster of Washington, D.C., is visiting Miss Ione Kitchin.

Mr. Ed. Travis Jr. of Halifax was a visitor here last night.

Miss Bessie Futrell is visiting relatives in Clayton and Winston-Salem.

Miss Kate Riddick of Enfield is a visitor in Scotland Neck this morning.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Ray Boyette returned last night from Baltimore, Md., and Virginia Beach.

Mr. J.C. Bryant of Hobgood was a business visitor in town this morning.

Mrs. O.J. Moore and children are visiting relatives and friends on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.

Misses Mary and Hattie Weeks are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Weeks.

Misses Ida Sledge, Florence Allen and Narcissa Daniel are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Dunn.

Miss Gertrude Dunn has left for Winston-Salem to visit relatives. From there she will go to Saluda, N.C., for a house party.

Miss Eloise Swinson of Baltimore, who will have charge of the Millinery Department of Boyette-Shields Company, is expected to arrive tonight.

Mr. and Mrs. C.N. Malone, who have been making an extended visit to relatives and friends in Nash County, returned last night by car.

Misses Sallie May and Martha Wilkinson returned from New Bern last night, where they have been visiting their sister, Mrs. I.E. Brooks.

Mrs. Hildah Wright, accompanied by her little daughter, Frances, returned last night from a visit to friends in Rocky Mount.

From The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Sunday, Aug. 28, 1921



Rev. Robert O. Lock, who has recently accepted the call to the pastorate of the Second Presbyterian Church, has entered upon his work, and is occupying the manse adjoining the church on East.

At Central Methodist Church, Sunday night at 7 o’clock the young people of the town will hold a union meeting. The Senior Epworth League of Central Methodist Church has issued invitations to the following organizations: Young People’s Missionary society of the Lutheran Church, Baptist Young People’s Union of First and Second Baptist Churches, Christian Endeavour of First and Second Presbyterian Church, Young People’s Christian Union of the Associate Reform Presbyterian Church, and the Epworth Leagues of Jones Memorial and Brevard Street churches. There will be short addresses by r4epresentatives from each organization.

Rev. T.L. Cashwell of Cornelius is conducting a series of services at Berea Baptist Church. Services are held twice each day, at 10 a.m. and 7:30 o’clock p.m.

Mr. J.O. Faulkner, superintendent of the Mooresville graded schools, has completed his list of teachers for the session of 1921-22. There will be several new teachers, namely J.H. Gentry, Statesville; Miss Sadie Summers, Stoney Point; Miss Virginia Burnett, Spartanburg, S.C.; Miss Gladys Lewis, Rutherfordton; Miss Elizabeth Carlton, Statesville; Miss Mary Sandidge, Lynchburg, Va.; Mrs. B.B. Byrd and Miss Mary Flowers.

Rev. L.A. Thomas and family are visiting friends at Granite Quarry. Mr. Thomas is the attractive pastor of St. Marks Lutheran Church.

Miss Willie Bell Brantly, who has been visiting the home of Mrs. C.K. McNeely for several weeks, left this morning for her home in St. Louis, Mo. Miss Brantly is a niece of Mrs. McNeely.

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jones on East Center Avenue have had as their guest their son Mr. James Jones of Richmond, Va. Miss Mildred Jones and Master George Jones of Charlotte were also guests in the Jones home.

Dr. and Mrs. Brown Swafford of Knoxville, Tenn., have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jason Smith on Eastern Heights.

In the absence of the pastor, Rev. W.E. West, Rev. R.C. Davidson will preach at Center church Sunday at 11 o’clock. Mr. West is on vacation.

Mrs. I.V. Menry, who has been spending the summer here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Cloaninger, left the first of the week for her home at St. Petersburg, Fla.

Miss Lelia Kistler, who has been spending the summer at Montreat, has returned home to spend a few weeks before entering Mitchell College. Miss Kistler was a guest of Mrs. Barns while at Montreat.

Mr. R.M. Atwell and daughter, Miss Etta Atwell of Batesville, Miss., arrived Thursday and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.P. McNeely on Academy Street.

Mr. Ray Morrow of Amity and a number of Montgomery County farmers spent a few hours in the city yesterday. While here they inspected the creamery and then accompanied Mr. Morrow to his home in the country, where they were entertained at dinner.

Captain and Mrs. Morrison spent last Friday in Shelby, having gone over to attend the funeral of the late Victor Rudisill, who was a special friend of Capt. Morrison.

Mrs. Nannie Barnes, who has been spending the summer at Montreat, has returned to her home at Davidson.

On last Tuesday morning, Miss Tell Hawthorne entertained a few friends, complimentary to her guest, Miss Margaret Miller of Concord. Guests were Misses Margaret and Mary Lee White, Messrs. Watson Rankin, Henry Mills, Tom McKnight and W.C. Johnson Jr.

Miss Fannie Walters, who has been in New York for the past two weeks buying fall and winter millinery, has returned home.

Mr. Zeb Deaton has returned from a visit to Norfolk, Va., where he has been visiting in the home of his son, Mr. Runfus Deaton.

Miss Elsie Cranford has as her guests Miss Hallie Stanton of Randleman, Miss Stanford is a cousin of Miss Cranford.

Miss Doyt Cornelius left last week for Baltimore, Md., where he has gone to take a course in pharmacy.

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Miller of Hendersonville, accompanied by their niece, Miss Adelaid Miller of Lynchburg, Va., have been visiting at the home of their son, Mr. N.W. Miller. Mr. N.W. Miller is associated with the laundry and has recently moved here.

Mrs. R.B. Templeton and son Harvey Young Templeton, who have recently returned to Mooresville from the west, will occupy the house on Academy street lately vacated by the Misses Templeton.

Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Johnston and daughters Misses Mary, Sarah and Helen, are spending the week at Montreat.

Miss Mary Pressley and Miss Elizabeth Pressley of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting friends at Charleston, S.C.

After spending the summer at Montreat, Miss Elizabeth Boyd is again at home.

Mr. E.M. Deaton of Salisbury has been visiting his father, Mr. E.C. Deaton, for the past few days.

Mrs. J.L. Neely and children, of Florence, S.C., are visiting Mrs. D.N. Alexander. The latter is the sister of Mrs. Neely.

Mr. Marvin Mayhew of Charlotte spent several days here last week, visiting relatives.

Miss Margaret Miller is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Hawthorne on Brevard Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Wagstaff has as visitors for the past week Mrs. Preston Roper and children of Gastonia.

Miss Irene Abernethy, who has been spending the past two weeks here with her parents, Rev. And Mrs. L.B. Abernethy, has returned to Charlotte.

Mr. Eugene Ivey spent Tuesday in Charlotte visiting his brother, Mr. J.B. Ivey.

Mr. and Mrs. D.N. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander and Mrs. W.H. Newton motored through the country to Blowing Rock and Linville Falls last week.

Mr. and Mrs. P.S. Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Matheson have returned from the western part of the state.

Miss Martha Horton has as her guest this week Miss Sadie Bell Phillips of Charlotte.

The First Presbyterian Sunday School of Statesville came down to Mooresville Thursday to picnic at Stewart’s Park.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, August 28, 1921

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