
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Men Can't Find Jobs Because Women Have Taken Their Work as Secretaries, Aug. 14, 1921

Women as Workers

When one goes into a business establishment of almost any sort and sees the number of feminine employes engaged therein, one gets at least one answer for the non-employment of men in these days. The truth of the business is that feminine labor has been so gradually supplanting masculine labor that it is somewhat difficult to find a job for men in these times outside of the purely skilled trades. And time may not be afar off when the muscular aspirations of the women may reach even unto these pursuits.

Women are filling the offices with stenographers, they are in business houses as secretaries, they are engaged in all varieties of clerical positions, they are found today where only a few years ago men held absolute sway. No wonder, therefore, it is getting somewhat difficult for men to get any sort of job they may want and at any salary they prefer. The competition is so keen that almost the entire complexion of the working world of modern time has been changed.

From the editorial page of The Charlotte News, Aug. 14, 1921, Julian S. Miller, editor.

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